Does low carbohydrate beer help you lose weight?

Does low carbohydrate beer help you lose weight? / Health News

Does it have advantages to drink carbohydrate-poor beer??

Many people like to have a beer after work or at the weekend. More and more people are relying on beer, which contains little carbohydrates, because they consider it as a healthy alternative to normal beer and hope to lose weight. Researchers now found out that so-called low-carbohydrate beer actually does not contain significantly less carbohydrates than regular beer.

One in three men and one in five women assume that low-carbohydrate beer is a healthy alternative to regular beer, the experts say. However, this has turned out to be a myth. In many cases, low carbohydrate beer does not actually consume much less carbohydrate compared to regular beer, according to a study by the Cancer Council of Victoria.

The consumption of low-carbohydrate beer is no healthier than regular beer and does not lead to a greater weight loss. (Image: Gina Sanders /

Popular drinks were examined

When analyzing a wide range of popular drinks, the researchers found that so-called low-carb beers contain a similar amount of carbohydrates as regular beer. The scientists said that a typical stock or ale contains about 1.4 grams of carbohydrates per 100 ml. However, the study also found a low-carb beer containing 1.9 grams per 100 ml.

Is low carbohydrate beer healthier?

Some beer drinkers have thought that low carbohydrate beer is generally healthier for them. However, according to the latest results, these people are likely to be disappointed. If people consume low carbohydrate beer to live healthier and lose weight, regular exercise and more exercise will be a better alternative. If sufferers stop taking alcohol, will quickly notice a difference in weight, the doctors explain in a press release.

Alcohol amount in beer should be considered

The amount of carbohydrates in a beer is actually quite low. In general, a beer contains between one and three percent carbohydrates. In other words, carbohydrates in beer may not be such a big problem. It is the alcohol that should be considered in the beer when people want to lose weight, the researchers say.

Information on bottles and cans must be more accurate

Scientists at the Cancer Council of Victoria urge the government to make nutritional labeling mandatory for all alcohol products. The amount of kilojoules should be given on bottles and cans with alcohol. This will help people make more informed decisions about how much energy is contained in the beers. When people get information about what's in their food or in this case in their drinks, they make healthier choices about nutrition, the doctors say. But at the moment, such information on food and drinks is not always available.

Beer pleasure can lead to obesity

Beer may taste good, but of course, like most other foods and drinks, it should be taken in moderation. However, the authors warned that alcohol of any kind is not healthy. The unwanted weight gain from the empty kilojoules in the beer can lead to obesity. Obesity in turn increases the risk of 13 types of cancer, type 2 diabetes, heart and kidney disease, and can promote stroke. (As)