Pain in the back of the head

Pain in the back of the head / symptoms
Pain in the back of the head is usually pain in the neck area and is localized in the back of the head. These can have many causes and represent both a separate disease as well as occur in the course of other diseases. Likewise, e.g. Pleasure poisons, certain foods or an injury responsible for the discomfort. Anyone who always suffers from pain on the back of the head should definitely consult a doctor to determine the responsible trigger.


  • a headache
  • A headache type of many
  • Causes of pain in the back of the head
  • Cause occipital neuralgia
  • Upper cervical spine syndrome as a trigger of the complaints
  • Headache from foods and medicines
  • Tension headaches
  • preventive measures
  • When to the doctor?
  • treatment
  • Naturopathic procedures

a headache

Almost everyone has been plagued by headaches. Even in children, this type of pain is becoming more common. About two hundred different types of headaches are known. These are divided into primary and secondary pain. Primary means that they themselves represent the disease or occur independently, without any apparent cause. Secondary headaches are the result of other illnesses.

Not infrequently, children also suffer from severe pain in the back of the head. (Image: Markus Bormann /

A headache type of many

Headache on the back of the head can occur suddenly or slowly starting. The pain character is dull, piercing, pulsating, undulating, light to almost unbearable. They may be one-sided, limited to the back of the head on both sides or radiating and have their origin in the neck.

Pain in the back of the head, which only occasionally occurs, is usually eliminated by those affected by the name of a headache tablet. However, if the pain increases more often, they are massive and / or they use all of a sudden and violently, should definitely consult a doctor. Especially when symptoms, such as speech disorders, nausea or dizziness are added.

The pain in the back of the head can occur due to a fall or as a result of an accident. (Image: Samo Trebizan /

Causes of pain in the back of the head

For the complaints, the most diverse causes come into consideration. For example, a blow to the back of the head or a fall, possibly together with a concussion, is a possible trigger of pain. Likewise, a whiplash, in connection with a car accident, may be the reason.

Problems with the cervical spine, which are usually associated with muscular neck tension, are also a trigger for pain in the back of the head. Furthermore, a wrong or stereotypical posture, lack of exercise or the wrong sleeping position may be responsible for the symptoms. During pregnancy, depressive moods and massive anxiety, back pain can be observed.

Cause occipital neuralgia

The cause of the discomfort may be occipital neuralgia (also called occipital syndrome). In this case, due to a cervical spine syndrome or a spondylosis, there is a root irritation symptom of the second and / or third cervical vertebra, which is accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the back of the head.

These pains are usually one-sided, are described as sharp, shooting and stinging, usually aggravated by movement and may radiate towards the eye. They only last a few minutes, but can last for several days. Touch sensitivity of the scalp is sometimes also part of the symptoms.

Upper cervical spine syndrome as a trigger of the complaints

Cervicocephaly may be the cause of the condition. These are pains originating from the cervical spine and radiating into the back of the head. In some cases, these are even felt in the forehead and the jaw. Also referred to as upper cervical spine syndrome pain may also be associated with dizziness, vision, hearing and swallowing disorders. Headaches from the neck are usually caused by muscle tension, poor posture and / or signs of wear or degenerative changes.

In cervicocephalgia, the pain goes from the cervical spine and pulls into the back of the head. (Image: underdogstudios /

Headache from foods and medicines

Alcohol and nicotine are also among the possible causes of headaches in the back of the head. The same applies to certain foods such as chocolate, nuts and smoked cheese. A drug-induced pain (MIKS) is equally conceivable. This occurs when excessive painkillers have been taken due to primary headaches such as cluster headaches or migraines.

Back pain can be a side effect with some medications. This is possible, for example, when taking calcium antagonists (antihypertensive agents). The widespread "China Restaurant Syndrome", in which the person affected hypersensitive to the flavor enhancer glutamate, can cause the symptoms.

Tension headaches

Tension headaches are one of the most common types of pain. These usually start in the neck and then spread over the back of the head possibly in the whole head. This produces moderate dull, oppressive pain that can last for half an hour to a week.

The causes are usually an increased tension, triggered by stress or poor posture (for example, in long computer work or stereotyped posture). In contrast to migraine, the symptoms are not accompanied by aura symptoms such as dizziness, photosensitivity, nausea and vomiting.

Tension headaches often arise as a result of increased tension, e.g. by a wrong or always the same sitting position at work. (Image: nakophotography /

preventive measures

Of course, back pain can not be avoided. Nevertheless, there are some preventive measures to protect against it. In the first place, see the relaxation. Because tension creates pressure and this can lead to pain - even in the back of the head. Often there is a cramped muscle in the cervical spine. These tensions create compressions of the nerve endings, causing the discomfort.

Regular relaxation exercises and rest periods should accompany everyday life to prevent it. Also important is a healthy amount of exercise, especially in the fresh air. These include walking, jogging, walking or cycling. Sufficient sleep is the prerequisite to manage the day relatively relaxed. In the evening, after work, a hot bath ensures rest and relaxed muscles. Regular sauna sessions also reduce stress and relax not only the muscles, but the whole person.

Since the pain in the back of the head can be triggered by pleasure poisons such as alcohol or cigarettes, these should be reduced or avoided as much as possible.

When to the doctor?

If the pain is sudden, very massive and / or additional symptoms such as vision problems, dizziness, vomiting or a stiff neck are observed, a doctor should be consulted immediately. In the worst case, the symptoms may indicate a stroke or meningitis. Headaches that recur often or do not pass for a long time should generally be medically clarified.

If further symptoms such as dizziness or nausea occur in parallel, a doctor must be consulted immediately. (Image: pathdoc /


In the treatment of the therapy of any existing underlying disease comes first. For example, in the case of cervical spine syndrome, physiotherapy is usually used in the form of massages, manual therapy and heat.

For the treatment, relaxation is one of the most important measures. Since the headache pain is usually associated with a muscular tension of the neck muscles, it should be tried to loosen it. This is done by heat therapy, e.g. Heat pads, hot baths or special heat patches are used.

If the muscles are very hardened, a massage can help. If the measures remain without effect, muscle relaxants are used to "soften" the muscles and thereby relieve the back pain. This procedure should be carried out by an orthopedic surgeon, as the medication is prescription and should not be used on its own.

Relaxation from "inside out" is often used to treat the back pain. Stress relief techniques such as yoga, autogenic training, meditation or Jacobson's progressive muscle relaxation help. Since neck pain that radiates into the back of the head, sometimes caused by too weak muscles, should be trained if necessary slowly and above all under professional guidance.

Of course, painkillers also help. However, these are not too frequent and above all to be taken with care. In medicine, it is recommended to use a pain medication for a short period of three days, so as not to cause any restraint. Because through these the complaints only increase. It is important to maintain or restore mobility. The use of analgesics should be discussed with the doctor, as the drugs can lead to strong side effects with prolonged use.

Naturopathic procedures

For pain in the back of the head a number of naturopathic treatments are possible. In general, the cause is first researched and then the underlying disease is treated. Generally, the psyche is included in alternative medicine. "Are those affected quite stressed?", "Are mental stress, which lead to tension, especially in the neck area?" These are questions that a naturopathic therapist in every case.

If the headache is approaching, immediately drink two to three glasses of water. (Image: GianlucaCiroTancredi /

Against the complaints come under other forms of therapy, such as acupuncture, foot reflexology, cupping, injections and the spine therapy after Dorn and Breuss (spine therapy) are used. In all types of headache, adequate hydration is important. Therefore, it is advisable to drink two to three large glasses of still water at the first sign of emerging complaints.

If sufferers suffer from tense neck muscles that do not want to get really soft, the diet should be reconsidered. Too much acid-laden food can lead to chronic tension. Remedy is a base-heavy diet to counteract the hyperacidity of the organism. Potatoes, cauliflower, spinach, celery and bananas are very good here.
Other basic foods are e.g. Cucumbers, green beans, radish, tangerines, raisins and dried figs.

Initially, the food can be combined with appropriate base preparations if required. Additional support is the use of healing clay.

For pain in the back of the head, which is not yet pronounced, rest in conjunction with warmth is recommended. The pharmacy has warming pads ready - applied on the neck - provide relief. Those affected should try to be more relaxed and balanced overall. Natural remedies offer a range of medicinal plants such as hops, St. John's wort, valerian and passionflower.

Well-tried home remedies for headaches include infusions of yarrow, rosemary or cowslip. These are easy to use, have a soothing and soothing effect.

Recipe for cowslip:

  • Pour a teaspoon of cowslip flowers with approx. 200 ml of boiling water
  • Remove the infusion for 10 minutes
  • Remove the flowers
  • Drink three cups of the tea daily in small sips

In the Schüssler salt therapy, especially the number 7 (Magnesium Phosphoricum) is used. This can help to relax not only the muscles but the whole person. Anthroposophic medicine offers suitable means for oral ingestion as well as for injection. Patients are also encouraged to always plan their breaks in everyday life, to exercise in the open air regularly and to learn relaxation techniques. (sw, nr, last updated on 18.11.2016)
Specialist supervision: Barbara Schindewolf-Lensch (doctor)