Dizziness could conceal more serious illnesses

Dizziness could conceal more serious illnesses / Health News
Dizziness and balance fluctuations: Serious illnesses possible
Dizziness is one of the most common symptoms that patients report as symptoms in the clinic. Swinging is not only unpleasant, but also in need of treatment. Often there is a disease behind it. Very often there is a disturbance in the organ of balance. But also cardiovascular diseases are possible. Therefore, a thorough diagnosis is necessary.

Dizziness is the second most common symptom in German practices: About one in ten is affected. What many do not know: Dizziness does not describe an independent clinical picture, but is a symptom of various diseases. The most common cause of acute dizziness is a dysfunction in the organ of balance. For finding the cause and subsequent therapy, therefore, patients initially belong in the hands of ENT physicians, as indicated by the HNOnet NRW, an association of established ENT doctors.

(Image: Antonioguillem / fotolia.com)

Already through a targeted survey find ENT doctors first evidence of possible dizziness. Thus, a swindle with acute onset and aggravation in rapid movements already indicates a disturbance in the inner ear. Situation-dependent dizziness with anxiety and circulatory symptoms, however, is more psychologically conditioned. Often there is also the so-called migraine dizziness, which is sometimes accompanied by headache. Dizziness with neurological causes is more characterized by a diffuse vertigo and possibly other neurological deficits such as visual disturbances.

Specific tests, hearing examinations and balance tests provide information about the exact cause. The ENT doctor performs various balance tests such as video-nystagmography and posturography. "We determine the function of the organs of balance and the coordination ability of the patient. This is how we find out how much the equilibrium function is impaired and how high the risk of falling is, especially in older patients, "explains Dr. med. Uso Walter, CEO of HNOnet and practicing ENT doctor in Duisburg.

If dizziness results from a disease in the organ of balance, ENT doctors then develop an individual therapy concept based on various building blocks. These include medical and physiotherapeutic measures with storage and dizziness training. "Especially if the dizziness already persists for a longer period of time, the cooperation of the patient during the vertigo training is necessary", clarifies Dr. med. Walter.

"Many ENT doctors also offer a novel balance coordination system for training. Through various exercises deliberately critical situations for the organ of balance are brought about. This is how people train with the help of eye and body movements to compensate for deficits. "As a result, they learn to balance in the future and no longer respond to difficult situations with dizziness symptoms. However, the training must be repeated regularly and for a longer period of time. However, the general rule is: Do not ignore frequently recurring dizziness symptoms, as serious illnesses can hide behind them. (Sb)