Our psyche is often hidden behind pain

Our psyche is often hidden behind pain / Health News

When the psyche makes the body sick

Often behind head and back pain, stomach problems, dizziness or other physical complaints are not organic but emotional causes. Affected: one third of all adult Germans. How psychosomatic disorders develop and what helps them med. Thorsten Bracher, chief physician of Schlossparkklinik Dirmstein.


  • When the psyche makes the body sick
  • Therapeutic help
  • This works against pain and dizziness
  • How do you develop psychosomatic complaints??
  • Learn to understand the inner life better

Whether headache, backache, gastrointestinal complaints, dizziness or skin rash: many physical complaints are psychologically conditioned - or at least mental factors play a major role in the development. Doctors assume that one third of all Germans are affected - and the number is rising. Experts believe that the cause is increasing stress and high pressure to adapt and perform in our fast-paced world.

Mental causes, such as anxiety or stress, can cause it to hurt and burn in the chest area. (Image: Africa Studio / fotolia.com)

Often sufferers have years of suffering behind them, before they finally find the experts of mental disorders (psychiatrists psychosomatic or psychosomatic medicine, psychotherapists) the long-awaited help. "In most cases, organic causes are suspected and appropriate specialist physicians are consulted", explains Dr. med. Thorsten Bracher, chief physician of Schlossparkklinik Dirmstein. But neither ultrasound nor computed tomography or MRI show the cause - and so often follows a grueling gait from doctor to doctor. "Many sufferers hesitate long before they turn to a psychiatrist or psychotherapist, because they can not understand that their physical ailments should be mental," the specialist in psychosomatic medicine, psychiatry and psychotherapy from years of practice.

Therapeutic help

Even though no organic causes can be determined, psychosomatic complaints are by no means "imagined" diseases and the patients are not "simulants" either. As a rule, the symptoms prove to be at least as stressful, just have another cause: As the name implies, here is the interplay between soul (Greek: psyche) and body (Soma) is crucial. "As soon as sufferers understand that their body expresses something that their soul can not express, therapeutic help can begin." Bracher. The aim is "to recognize behind the physical symptoms hidden, unconscious mental conflicts or to identify special mental stress and to find common solutions." It mainly behavioral and psychodynamic psychotherapy are used - methods whose effectiveness is scientifically well studied and is occupied. In addition to outpatient psychotherapeutic treatment, in certain cases, drug support with an antidepressant may be useful.

How psychosomatic disorders develop and what helps them Thorsten Bracher, chief physician of Schlossparkklinik Dirmstein.

If the symptoms are very pronounced and they do not respond adequately to outpatient treatment, the expert recommends treatment in a specialist clinic. The same applies if the symptoms are so strong that it is hardly possible to deal with them every day. There, the patients are treated with a therapy program composed of different components. In addition to psychotherapy, it usually includes procedures such as art, ergo, music and exercise therapy, physiotherapy and relaxation techniques (for example autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation) - if necessary combined with a medical treatment.

This works against pain and dizziness

Very often pain has psychosomatic reasons. Often affected by it is the musculoskeletal system or the abdomen. If organic causes can be excluded, psychotherapeutic treatment can lead to a substantial improvement. "In addition to the reduction of pain, it is also often a matter of changing the way it is handled, since complete freedom from pain can not always be achieved," explains Dr. med. Bracher. Because "the individual reaction pattern to feel physical pain in emotional stress remains basically exist."

It is also very helpful to learn effective stress management strategies, since chronic stress is often a major cause of psychosomatic complaints (such as pain or gastrointestinal discomfort). Further clarity about the relationships of symptoms and triggers can bring about keeping a pain diary. The teaching of relaxation techniques such as autogenic training, yoga and progressive muscle relaxation is also a valuable supportive measure here.

Many people are not aware that back problems are not necessarily caused only by sitting at the desk for hours or too little exercise, but can also have psychological causes. "Of course, one suspects malpositions, one-sided strains or weak back and abdominal muscles as a trigger," emphasizes Dr. med. Bracher. But "functional back pain," as the corresponding diagnosis is often the result of pressure to perform, conflicts and other psychological stress. It comes to painful muscle hardening and tension, which tamper with the cross. In addition to psychotherapy, massages and relaxation exercises can help. "It is important, as with other psychosomatic complaints, to provide sufficient physical balance," Dr. med. Bracher. Every now and then in the office or at home a stretching exercise in between pleases the back and joints in addition.

Dizziness attacks are often the result of emotional problems. By the way, after a headache, dizziness is one of the most common symptoms of illness in Germany, which causes patients to go to the doctor. If physical causes such as disorders of the organ of equilibrium, circulatory problems, viral infections or neuritis are excluded, there is probably a mental dizziness. This can be treated psychotherapeutically. The combination of behavioral therapy and certain exercises has proven to be particularly effective.

How do you develop psychosomatic complaints??

Diverse as the symptoms are also the possible triggers. Experts believe that biological, psychological and social factors usually work together. In addition to a genetic predisposition, stress, personal loss, traumatic experiences (especially in childhood) and unconscious conflicts also play a role. Not infrequently, in addition to physical complaints, depressive moods or anxieties are added. Often, the symptoms also change - and initial back pain, for example, headaches or gastrointestinal problems.

Learn to understand the inner life better

Psychosomatic complaints are generally considered to be well treatable. At the beginning of every treatment with the psychiatrist or psychotherapist, there is a detailed discussion in order to recognize the previous course of the disease and causes and to be able to create an individual treatment concept. Even if it does not always come to a complete freedom from symptoms, but can be achieved in the majority of cases, a significant improvement in the symptoms. "In addition, the patient now knows how to better perceive his" inner life "and how to deal with his symptoms a lot better. Bracher. (Pm)