Here are the best tricks for keeping the obtained slim line

Here are the best tricks for keeping the obtained slim line / Health News
Desired weight achieved: These tricks help to keep the figure
Those who have managed to get rid of the winter bacon quickly want to keep their desired weight also like. Unfortunately that's not so easy sometimes. A few tips and tricks can help to prevent extra pounds from accumulating.

In winter, you make yourself comfortable on the couch
It is usually not easy to hold the figure, which one has often laboriously worked through. Especially in the cold season, when the desire to stay outside, is low and instead the TV evening on the sofa - with various snacks - lures, you quickly lose track of the many calories that you have taken. In order to prevent the accumulation of hip gold, regular sports are recommended. Because the drives out the constant hunger, as was shown in scientific research. A few more tricks help, so the winter bacon has no chance.

Who has laboriously slimmed extra pounds, of course wants to hold his figure. A few tips can help, so does not quickly accumulate back gold. (Image: underdogstudios /

Regular food
Experts repeatedly warn against wrong weight loss. Unfortunately, the yo-yo cycle too often ensures that additional weight accumulates quickly after the laborious slimming down.

A permanent diet with fewer calories is basically more useful and healthier.

It is also helpful to have three solid meals a day, because whoever eats in between meals hardly gives the body a chance to burn fat. In addition, eating irregular foods damages your health. According to experts, about four to six hours should be between meals.

Healthy snacks
Basically, it is necessary to prevent a nutrient deficiency, as this leads to food cravings.

Instead of chips and co, healthy snacks such as nuts or fruit are a good way to satisfy the hunger in between. These do not cause the blood sugar levels to rise so quickly and saturate for a long time.

Vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy are also suitable as ingredients for a small snack. In addition, the appetite can be throttled by drinking lots of drinks, preferably water or unsweetened tea.

A lot of fruits and vegetables
Especially in the cold season, a lot of fruits and vegetables are on the menu.

The vitamins in it strengthen the immune system and the fiber stimulates the digestion. Of particular importance is the flavonoids. These plant substances help with weight loss, as research has shown.

Vegetables are low in calories and full. There may be one to two hands full with each meal.

It depends on the time of day
When it comes to what time of day large meals make sense, is repeatedly pointed to a rule, according to which food after 18 o'clock is unfavorable, because then, among other things, the fat metabolism works slower than during the day.

In addition, carbohydrate-rich food boosts insulin levels in the evening, which results in excess glucose being stored as body fat during sleep.

Carbohydrates, such as those found in pasta, bread or rice, are best consumed at noon, because the body can use this energy for the rest of the day.

The dinner should be rather rich in protein. Then the body can go into the fat burning phase at night and does not have to focus on digestion. (Ad)