Here are the five best rehabilitation measures for ankylosing spondylitis

Here are the five best rehabilitation measures for ankylosing spondylitis / Health News
Exercise can often do more than a tablet. This is especially true for patients with the rheumatism disease Ankylosing Spondylitis, which shows itself in everyday life by tormenting back pain. In the disease, there are chronic inflammations in the vertebral joints, which gradually lead to a bony stiffening. Since the development mechanisms are mostly in the dark, today there is no chance of recovery of the disease, which typically punishes those affected later with a hump. Especially in ankylosing spondylitis, sport helps to reduce the pain and long-term effects of the disease. PD Dr. Bertram Hölzl, Bechterew expert and scientific director of the Gasteiner Heilstollen, has put together the five best rehab tips for those affected.

Nordic Walking - good for sensitive joints
One of the most important therapy advice from experts is: movement, movement and again movement. Basically, in the case of ankylosing spondylitis, sports that do not stress the joints too much are suitable. It is proven that Nordic Walking is particularly suitable for patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Thanks to the poles, it is particularly easy on joints. "Bechterew patients should pay attention to length-adjustable sticks", Dr. med. Hölzl. "They can be adjusted higher and thus more upright with time." If necessary, stabilizing rails or buffering insoles are also useful. It is best to learn the correct technique in a course so that there are no false positives.

(Image: ARochau /

Exercise with the gym ball keeps body supple
With gymnastics, the body can be supple. This counteracts the stiffening just at the beginning of the disease. In addition, sufferers suffer less in pain. Good gymnastics exercises, which maintain mobility and strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, can be performed with rubber bands and the exercise ball. Strengthening the chest muscles, for example, facilitates breathing. To do so, sit on the ball, place your feet parallel on a long rubber band and cross your hands. Then pull regularly while maintaining posture. "It is important that the exercise is only practiced to the limit of pain, not beyond," Dr. hölzl.

Proper breathing needs to be learned
The stiffening can also affect the joints between spine and ribs in ankylosing spondylitis patients. This restricts the mobility of the ribcage. This can lead to muscle atrophy of the respiratory muscles and to a lack of condition. This can counteract those affected when they learn the diaphragmatic breathing. Belly breathing is most easily learned lying down. The active part of breathing is exhalation. Inhale quickly and quickly and exhale slowly and relaxed. Then take a break. There should be about seven to eight breaths per minute. A breathing training session lasts three minutes.

Roller bearing improves erection
The storage therapy on wooden rollers that stretches the spine and ribcage shows very good results in terms of upright posture. Lying under the thoracic spine and between the sacrum and coccyx, ankylosing spondylitis is a pleasant sensation of distension. "This storage does not hurt, but it must not hurt, otherwise something is not right," warns Hölzl. Documented are before-after effects up to a 5 cm improved erection. Anyone who has carried out storage therapy six to eight times under supervision can usually also do it on their own at home.

Do a cure
During a spa stay, these and other exercises can be learned at home. "In Ankylosing spondylitis, cures are especially effective if they consist of exercise therapy, muscle relaxing and physiotherapy programs," explains Dr. med. Hölzl. What is special about a cure are also the natural remedies. For example, the radon in the Gastein Heilstollen, which is considered the largest therapy center for ankylosing spondylitis. Spa guests travel by therapeutic train several times by train to the Heilstollen and spend about an hour on the therapy stations. In addition to radon heat and high humidity act. They cause relaxation and increased blood flow to muscles. Above all, however, experts in radon heat therapy attribute pain-relieving effects. Radon has positive effects on pain in the muscle, tendon and ligament attachments as well as on the inflammatory processes in the joint itself. This pain relief lasts on average for about 9 months. Reduce pain, makes it easier for those affected to integrate movement back into everyday life.