Here the soul comes to rest Where man can best recover

Here the soul comes to rest Where man can best recover / Health News
Relaxation and tranquility: Here is the best way to recover
Increasing work pressure and stress make many people literally sick. It is not that easy for some to let go and relax. Stress-afflicted people may find it easier to choose the right environment for their relaxation. An expert knows which place has a particularly relaxing effect.

Everyone needs relaxation and peace
Stress and work pressure endanger the health. Relaxation and rest are important for humans. Everyone has their own favorite places to hang out and switch off. However, researchers have found in scientific studies that there is a place that has a particularly restorative effect.

Those who want to relax and switch off often try this at their favorite places. Studies have shown that there is a place that has a particularly relaxing effect. (Image: f9photos /

Influence of nature on humans
Where does the mind best recover? Some people would argue that this is certainly the case by the sea, others prefer the mountains. And some people prefer to do a city break for that.

The environmental health psychologist Renate Cervinka explains in a message from the news agency dpa, what is crucial for the recreational value of an environment: the share of nature.

For decades, the expert has been researching the influence of nature on humans at the Medical University of Vienna.

Positive effects on the psyche
Studies have shown that especially water - sea, rivers, streams - and greenery such as in the forest have a positive effect on the psyche.

"In the forest certainly plays a role that we are completely embedded in the natural environment," says Cervinka dpa.

According to the expert, the mind in nature comes to rest surprisingly quickly. It can now be well documented that even a few minutes in nature positively affect one's own feelings and self-esteem.

"Physical reactions come a little later," explains the health psychologist. After a while, the pulse and blood pressure also go down noticeably.

Greening the home garden
Not only in nature, also in the garden it should be nice green.

For example, a research group led by Renate Cervinka found in a study that the recreational effect in the home garden depends on how many plants exist in relation to other elements such as terraces or furniture.

The expert said in a statement: "Our survey has shown that the more natural elements in the garden, the higher the recovery factor is.".

But the most important factor of recovery is the personal relationship to the garden. Anyone who experiences joy here and is satisfied with his garden and appreciates it, experiences resonance and can relax and recover well.

"The message is that you should design your garden close to nature and, above all, that you should enjoy it".

Integrate recreation into everyday life
Recovery should generally be an integral part of everyday life - including at work.

For the balance of job and leisure, it is important according to experts, among other things, to schedule times of leisure deliberately.

Stress reduction options include relaxation techniques such as yoga or progressive muscle relaxation. These can often also be integrated into the daily work routine - for example in the breaks.

Even with a simple mindfulness training in everyday life, you can recover. (Ad)