Here hygiene is particularly important Caution with raw food

Here hygiene is particularly important Caution with raw food / Health News
EHEC bacteria: caution should be used for raw foods
Every year more than 100,000 people in Germany suffer from pathogens in food. EHEC bacteria are considered particularly dangerous. They can be transmitted through, among other things, raw foods. Experts therefore advise special caution.

Diseases caused by pathogens in food
According to the NRW Consumer Center, more than 100,000 people in Germany suffer from pathogens in food every year. "Pathogens such as Campylobacter, Salmonella, Listeria or other microorganisms spread when chicken breast, tiramisu and Co. are improperly prepared and stored," the experts write on their website. Also EHEC bacteria (enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli) can be transmitted by poor hygiene in the preparation of food. Isabelle Mühleisen of the consumer advice center North Rhine-Westphalia advises consumers therefore in a message of the news agency dpa, above all with raw meat carefully to deal.

Raw meat should always be kept separate from other foods. Otherwise, dangerous pathogens can spread. (Image: MIGUEL GARCIA SAAVED /

Store raw meat separately from other foods
"In general, raw meat should be prepared and stored separately from foods that are no longer cooked," says the expert. For some groups of the population, such as infants and pregnant women, raw meat should be taboo anyway, warn experts such as the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR). As Mühleisen explains, the raw goods should not come in contact with lettuce, for example. Cutlery and dishes must always be cleaned thoroughly with detergent and warm water before being used again.

Germs can spread easily
The EHEC epidemic in 2011 showed how easily the pathogens can spread and what the dramatic consequences are. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), more than 3,500 people were sometimes seriously ill with the effects of the EHEC germ. A major symptom of EHEC infection is a watery, bloody, diarrheal bowel movement, often accompanied by severe spasmodic abdominal pain, fever, nausea and vomiting. The various sequelae can be associated with a variety of other symptoms such as kidney pain, increased liver enzymes and uraemia. According to health experts, a doctor should be consulted at first symptoms.

EHEC transmission also possible through plant foods
According to Mühleisen, only EHEC transmissions using animal foods were previously known. With the sprouts in 2011, it was also herbal for the first time. "For example, sprouts in a finished, packaged salad are already a certain risk," explains the expert. Bacteria multiply relatively quickly on such products. Especially people with a weak immune system, pregnant women and children should not consume such goods before the expiration date. According to the Consumer Center, ready-made salads should be washed thoroughly to minimize the risk of infection. When frozen meat is thawed, the dripping water must be carefully collected and removed. (Ad)