Chicken Soup & Bed Rest Tried and tested home remedies that work

Chicken Soup & Bed Rest Tried and tested home remedies that work / Health News
Bed rest and chicken soup shorten the time of illness in case of a cold

When a cold or cough our grandparents have advised: A hot chicken soup and a lot of bed rest. Today we know that this old home remedy is one of the most effective treatments that will restore our health in a natural way.

A strong chicken soup helps with colds. That is now scientifically confirmed. (Image: Thomas Francois / Fotolia)

Scientific studies have confirmed that the protein-containing and vitamin-containing soup can significantly reduce the duration of the disease. Research at the University of Nebraska showed that the "chicken soup in the organism blocks certain white blood cells (neutrophils) that are involved in inflammatory processes". These neutrophils would be released in viral infections such as influenza infections or upper respiratory infections in large quantities. Furthermore, "the effect of the amino acid cysteine ​​contained in chicken broth has been analyzed in numerous studies. The protein is therefore "anti-inflammatory and has a decongestant on the mucous membranes". In addition, the "chicken soup contains considerable amounts of the mineral zinc - bound to the protein component histidine." Zinc is also said to have a very positive effect on colds.

Home remedies for colds
Other home remedies such as hot lemon, nasal irrigation, inhalation or sweating cures can speed recovery. Above all, the body needs rest for the defense. That's why bed rest is the top priority. Painkillers should really only be taken when complaints such as body aches are hardly bearable. That is what the body forces to force man to rest.

A flu infection can not happen only in winter. On average, we contract a cold four times a year. So far, more than 200 different cold viruses are known. As soon as the immune system has localized and fought the viruses, more invaders lurk again to produce a cold. As a rule, a simple cold takes about four to eight days.

Sauna, healthy food and enough sleep
Although people can contract a flu-like infection throughout the year, however, morbidity rates are much higher in winter. This is mainly because we are exposed to enormous temperature fluctuations and there are differences in humidity due to heated rooms. This reduces the body's defenses and makes us more susceptible to pathogens. We can protect us by sauna, vitamin-rich diet and enough sleep. This will strengthen our immune system. (Sb)