Highlights Female anatomy can make orgasms impossible

Highlights Female anatomy can make orgasms impossible / Health News

Anatomy of the female sex organ can make climaxes impossible
For men, getting sex is in most cases no problem. For many women, however, it is not easy to reach a climax. Which reasons can be the cause? Is it the men who do not respond to the wishes of the partner? Is it psychological or even anatomical? Everything can be. What is new is that the latter can also play an important role, as scientists found in a study.

Some women, despite all the efforts of their partner, have problems getting a sexual climax. Researchers from Indiana University found in an investigation that the structure of the vagina influences whether women can even experience an orgasm. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Clinical Anatomy".

Often women are frustrated because it has not worked out again. Image: nd3000 - fotolia

2.5 centimeters can make the big difference
The structure of the female vagina determines whether or not women can experience a climax in sexual intercourse. Depending on where the clitoris is located, an orgasm through penetration can be quite impossible, explain the experts. Thus, neither the size of the member, nor the technique used are crucial.

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Hormones in women determine how far the clitoris approaches the male penis during penetration. Due to the structure of the female sexual organ, it is possible that the clitoris moves too far out of the vagina. Then the physical limits make it impossible to get enough clitoral stimulation to experience a climax through conventional postures, explain the physicians. It seems about 2.5 centimeters to be the threshold, from which it is impossible to experience a climax by penetration, the authors add.

Experts doubt purely vaginal climaxes
The findings are so strongly correlated that it is possible, for example, to predict that women with a distance of three centimeters can not culminate through sexual intercourse, the researchers explain. The physicians doubted the existence of so-called vaginal orgasms, because the clitoral situation seems to be a really reliable indicator. About 90 percent of women claiming to have experienced vaginal climaxes said they were on their partner. When the woman is "up," her clit rubs against her partner's abdomen or pelvis, and so the orgasm is not purely vaginal, the scientists explain.

The clitoris is an extremely complex organ that reaches deep into the body cavity
Scientists had recently discovered that the clitoris is much more than a small magic "button" on the outside. The clitoris is a whole organ whose extensions reach deep into the body cavity, say the doctors. In addition, an additional extension surrounds the vaginal canal.

The latest research suggests that internal orgasms are not triggered by the mythical "G-spot". They are more likely to be caused by the results of stimulation of internal components of the clitoris, explain the authors. An indication of this might be that it is sometimes possible to induce an orgasm without even stimulating the proximity of the outer clitoris.

Affected people should develop new techniques
The research on this topic was important and the results help to recognize that neither women nor men are to blame for missing orgasms, explain the researchers. Responsible for this is in some cases mother nature and anatomy, say the experts. Thus, couples should no longer ponder why they have difficulty experiencing a common climax in sex. Those affected should think about new pleasant techniques that can stimulate the clitoris, advise the doctors. (As)