Higher contributions from the statutory health insurance funds

Higher contributions from the statutory health insurance funds / Health News

President of the Federal Insurance Office expects rising contributions in the GKV


According to the President of the Federal Insurance Office, Maximilian Gaßner, the contributions of the statutory health insurance will rise significantly in the next few years, according to the current release of the „Bavarian Radio“ (BR). In view of the dwindling financial reserves in the health insurance companies, a significant increase in contributions is to be expected.

Although the statutory health insurance funds have recorded considerable surpluses over the past few years as a result of the good economic development and the associated stable labor market situation, the financial burdens worth billions will soon be used up, reports „BR“ citing the President of the Federal Insurance Office. His authority has the supervision of the statutory health insurance, including the major German health insurance companies such as the Barmer GEK, the AOK or the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK). According to the experts, those insured by law must expect a rising contribution burden in the coming years.

Expenditures are rising faster than revenues
According to the President of the Federal Insurance Office, health insurance premiums for medicines, medical fees and clinics are already rising faster than revenue, which is why many insurance companies are forced to resort to their financial reserves. However, according to the expert, the reserves that have been set up will not be held up too long, he says „BR“. Gaßner expects steady development until 2020, a deficit of about 25 billion euros on the part of health insurance. The health insurance companies would therefore be forced to levy corresponding additional contributions in order to absorb or at least mitigate the deficit. Since the last amendment changed the employers' contribution rate, only insured persons have to bear this burden.

Increase in additional contributions expected
Specifically, in 2020, the collection of an average additional contribution to the statutory health insurance of an average of 2.2 or 2.3 percent of gross wages to be expected, reported the President of the Bonn federal agency in the contribution of the „BR“. Currently, the average additional contribution is 0.9 percent of the gross wage. Those insured under the law must pay this in addition to the general contribution rate of 14.6 percent of the gross salary. The forecast increase would, according to the „BR“ for a legally insured employee with 3,000 euros gross monthly wage an additional burden of around 480 euros a year. The additional premium burden should therefore be clearly noticeable for most insured persons.

Relief only for a short time
According to the head of the Federal Insurance Office go according to the „BR“ As well as all health economists, most of the bosses of the 124 health insurances and also the top association of the legal health insurance companies (GKV) of rising additional contributions from. Thus, the relief, of which around 20 million members have benefited since the turn of the year, probably only short-lived. In the future, however, significant additional burdens can be expected. (Fp)

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