Highlight of the flu epidemic over now?

Highlight of the flu epidemic over now? / Health News
New numbers: high point of the flu wave apparently over
Thousands of Germans have become infected with influenza viruses in recent months. However, the flu season this winter was less strong than in the past. In some regions, as in Saxony-Anhalt, the peak of the flu epidemic seems to have been overcome.

Flu wave ebbs away
Fever, headache, body aches: The flu epidemic 2016 was weaker this winter than in the previous year. In Saxony-Anhalt, the flu season is already slowing down, reports the news agency dpa. According to the latest weekly report of the State Office for Consumer Protection, the flu epidemic reached its peak around one week before Easter. According to this, more than 1,000 patients were registered. It is said that the number of reported cases has declined significantly again, to around 750. For the time since Easter, there are currently no figures available.

The flu season was weaker this winter than in the previous year. The peak of the flu wave is apparently over. (Image: Andrey Popov / fotolia.com)

Last year, the flu season was stronger
The flu season varies from year to year. 2015 had counted to fierce years. Thus, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) registered 6,677 patients. According to dpa, similar numbers were only in 2013 (6,864) and in 2009 (6,664). On the website of the RKI constantly updated and well-founded information on the activity of influenza in Germany is collected. It states: For the 12th reporting week 2016, 6,391 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases have been transmitted to the RKI (data status 30.03.2016).

Avoid infection with influenza viruses
Even as the flu epidemic approaches its end, it is still important to adhere to important hygiene rules to prevent infection with the virus. Health experts are advised above all to regular and thorough hand washing. In addition, should be aired frequently. Patients should be careful to always sneeze into a handkerchief or the crook of the arm and not into the bare hand. Unlike the common cold, influenza influenza is a weeks-long and contagious disease. It is manifested among other things by symptoms such as high fever, joint and limb pain, chills, headache and cough. (Ad)