Hip fat can not be specifically toned off

Hip fat can not be specifically toned off / Health News

Problem area Greater bacon: Greater bacon can not be specifically abrained


In particular, women often complain about the beauty blemish of bacon. Although the fat deposits on the hip from a health point of view are far less dangerous than, for example, belly fat, many women find it particularly disturbing. In addition, the bacon is particularly resistant to training, so that a little sport to fight the excess pounds is not enough.

No specific training against bacon possible
Also Professor Ingo Froböse of the German Sport University in Cologne referred to the fact that the bacon is not easily solved by sport. „Unfortunately, there is no targeted training at all to remove the bacon from the hip“, explained the expert. This also applies to the frequently recommended to combat bacon sit-ups. „That alone does not solve the problem“, stressed Froböse. Only a comprehensive general muscle training with abdominal training, squats, push-ups and back training, could help, explained the sports scientist. This is because overall muscle mass is built up and the energy requirement of the body increases. With the same calorie intake, the energy is consumed by the muscles rather than deposited as fat on the hips, explained the expert. „Who builds his muscle mass, increases his basal metabolic rate and can burn more fat even when at rest“, stressed Froböse. The basal metabolic rate is the energy requirement of the body at rest, which, according to the expert, accounts for 70 to 80 percent of the total metabolism. Thus, the body itself consumes energy while lying on the couch and this energy consumption increases with increasing muscle mass, explained Froböse.

General muscle building as a way to combat fat deposits
For people who want to fight their bacon successfully, is therefore „the most important thing (...) to turn the basal metabolic rate and increase it“, recommends the sports scientist. The reduced calorie intake in the course of a diet is the wrong way, stressed Froböse. For a diet with 1,000 kilocalories, the body down the metabolism to save energy. This leads to a reduction of the above-mentioned basal metabolic rate and the weight of those affected change nothing, according to the expert. It threatens even the dreaded yo-yo effect, since the basal metabolic rate decreases significantly in the course of the diet and then burn with normal food intake no longer the same amount of energy. As a result, people who are fed as usual after a diet are often fatter than ever, Froböse explained. „Only when I persuade the body to burn more energy than to absorb it will it go to its reserves“, so the further remarks of the specialist.

In diets threatens the yo-yo effect
To avoid the yo-yo effect after a diet, Froböse recommends: „Depending on your body weight, you should eat between 1600 and 2200 kilocalories through food“ and at the same time tackle the stubborn fat deposits of the bacon with a combination of endurance training and muscle training. Building muscle is essential to increase the body's metabolic rate, the expert said. Therefore, those affected should exercise 30 to 45 minutes three to four times a week, with at least ten minutes of muscle training such as pushups, sit-ups, back exercises or squats performed every other day, explained Prof. Froböse.

Bacon is especially common in women
According to Prof. Froböse, the fact that women in particular tend to have fatty deposits on their hips is due to the tribal and developmental history of humans. „We still have the bodies of Stone Age humans who have had to outlive hardships. Therefore, the body is anxious to hold energy supplied by food for a long time“, so the explanation of the expert. This is done by storing the energy in the form of fat in certain parts of the body. The fact that the corresponding depots for fat deposition in women are more likely to be on the hip than on the stomach, is evolutionary, because fat in the abdomen is rather unfavorable during pregnancy, said the expert. For example, bacon has always been a typical female phenomenon, and the fat pads that women often regard as problem areas were actually used to create useful energy reserves. (Fp)

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Image: Dieter Schütz / Pixelio.de