HEALTHY Mild hypertension must also be treated

HEALTHY Mild hypertension must also be treated / Health News
Mild hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular disease
High blood pressure often lasts for years without conspicuous symptoms, but the risk of serious health-related illnesses increases continuously. Not infrequently suffer the sufferers seem out of the blue, a heart attack or stroke. Even slight increases in blood pressure can significantly increase the risk here, which is why therapeutic countermeasures should be taken even in mild hypertension.

As a rule, doctors recommend a change in diet and exercise programs to lower blood pressure with slightly elevated blood pressure. Excess weight should be reduced, alcohol and tobacco should be avoided as far as possible. Consistently implemented, the mild hypertension is often successful with such measures. However, if normal values ​​can not be achieved in this way, medications with antihypertensive drugs should be considered, even if there are slight increases in blood pressure. For recent studies show that even mild first degree hypertension with systolic blood pressure values ​​up to 159 mmHg and diastolic values ​​up to 99 mmHg causes an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Although, according to the German Hypertension League, alternative methods of reducing blood pressure should be tried first, but in case of doubt medication should not be delayed in order to avoid unnecessary risk.

If increased blood pressure is detected, urgent action should be taken. (Image: eyetronic /

Lifestyle changes are the treatment of choice
There is a need for action even with slightly elevated hypertension, as the mild hypertension increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases and premature death, said Professor Martin Hausberg, Chairman of the German Hypertension League and Director of the Medical Clinic I for General Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Rheumatology and Pneumology of the Municipal Hospital Karlsruhe. Soon after the diagnosis was made, according to the expert, a reduction in blood pressure should first be attempted with lifestyle changes. "Lifestyle changes are the drug of first choice in otherwise healthy patients, because of them mild hypertension can disappear," says Professor Hausberg. Part of these changes should be, for example, the reduction of obesity, regular exercise and a healthy diet low in salt and a lot of fruits and vegetables. Nicotine should be avoided and alcohol should only be consumed in moderation. Frequently, the blood pressure in the first three months after a corresponding change so strong that medication is not necessary, the physician emphasizes.

Do not hesitate with the drug therapy
If it is not possible to achieve normal blood pressure levels within three months by changing the lifestyle, the drug should no longer be serviced, according to the expert. Although the German Hypertension League states "all side effects such as dizziness, allergies or gastrointestinal discomfort may occur in all currently available antihypertensives, their use can significantly reduce the risk of heart attack or stroke in hypertensive patients. In consideration of the benefit-risk ratio, the German Hypertension League therefore comes to the conclusion that a drug treatment of mild hypertension is required. (Fp)