HEALTHY BIKING lowered the cardiovascular risk

HEALTHY BIKING lowered the cardiovascular risk / Health News
Two studies from Scandinavia confirm: Cycling protects against cardiovascular diseases: it is not so much the duration of exercise that is important, but the change from inactivity to activity. How long you cycle is secondary.

Biking keeps you young. Picture: Kzenon - fotolia

In a first study, the scientists from Denmark analyzed the data of around 20,000 Swedish men and women who were at the beginning of their 40s and were examined twice during a 10-year follow-up period. Cyclists were less likely to be obese at baseline, less likely to have high blood pressure, and lower cholesterol levels compared to study participants traveling to work by public transport or by car. Also, they were less likely to prediabetes or diabetes. After 10 years, the cyclists had 39% lower risk of obesity (39%), high blood pressure (11%), high cholesterol (20%) and diabetes (18%) than non-cyclists.

The reduced risk of cardiovascular disease was also demonstrated in a second study. She examined the cardioprotective effect of cycling to work and at leisure. The authors of the study found that those who cycled to work every day or cycled regularly in their free time suffered 11% and 18% less heart disease than non-cyclists.

The main effect comes from the change from inactivity to movement, after which there is hardly any increase in cardiovascular protection. The studies can be found here and here.