Heart-threatening Will the ban on energy drinks soon come?

Heart-threatening Will the ban on energy drinks soon come? / Health News
Is the ban on sales? Energy drinks are no harmless pick-me-up
Especially among young people, the so-called energy drinks are extremely popular. Often, the sweet, caffeinated trend drinks are consumed mixed with alcohol. Doctors and consumer advocates warn for years of health dangers. Currently, a ban on sales for under-16s is being considered.

Teenagers consume too much caffeine
No matter if "Red Bull", "Monster" or "Booster": Caffeinated energy drinks are very popular among young people. Manufacturers also do a lot for it. They advertise aggressively for the sweet-tasting drinks that are supposed to give you a kick. The drinks are presented in cool cans and spectacular sports events are sponsored. Young people eat too much caffeine, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The agency released a study in May that showed that as many as 68 percent of teens in the EU consume energy drinks. According to the information, one in four of them, with three or more doses in succession, exceeds the caffeine considered safe.

Health experts plead for a ban on energy drinks. (Image: beermedia.de/fotolia.com)

Energy drinks and their health effects
Health experts have been calling for caution with energy drinks for years. Recently, a new website has been launched showing what happens after a can of Red Bull in the body. After higher consumption, it may, inter alia, to tachycardia or high blood pressure. As the news agency dpa reports, consumer protection organization Foodwatch warns that pick-ups are suspected of causing heart arrhythmias, seizures, kidney failure and even deaths. Just like the Society of European Pediatric Cardiologists, the organization calls for a Europe-wide ban on the sale of trendy drinks to minors. Although the SPD faction in the Bundestag for a levy on under 16 -year-old, but according to the will of Foodwatch, the highly concentrated so-called energy shots should be completely banned.

Awareness campaign on energy drinks planned
The trade association Non-Alcoholic Beverages described such claims as "absolutely disproportionate". According to the association, a 250 milligram beverage can of a typical energy drink contains about the same amount of caffeine as a cup of filter coffee. And Federal Nutrition Minister Christian Schmidt (CSU) said: "Prohibitions go here in the void. We have to raise awareness instead. We achieve sustainable success through education and education. "As the politician announced on dpa-request, he will start this year an educational campaign on energy drinks and other caffeine-containing foods. Among other things, leaflets, Internet and radio contributions as well as materials for school lessons are planned in this context.

Irresponsible Course of the Federal Government
The Göttingen pediatric cardiologist Martin Hulpke-Wette considers the course of the black-red federal government irresponsible. As the physician explained, a ban is necessary because the consequences of chronic, high-dose consumption of energy drinks in adolescence have not yet been scientifically investigated. According to the doctor, at least 700,000 children in Germany suffer from high blood pressure, most of them would know nothing about it.

Meanwhile there are even "Energy Sweets" on the market. These are caffeinated fruit gums in the form of cans. "For me, that is perversion par excellence. Younger and younger children should be fed with it, "said Hulpke-bet. Obviously, the massive economic interests have a greater weight than the safety of children and adolescents, the doctor said. Also with this topic must - like with cigarettes and alcohol - the protection of minors seize.

Specifications have recently been tightened
However, due to the current state of research, the Federal Ministry of Youth sees no reason for a ban on consumption or supply. As the Ministry of Food announced, the specifications for energy drinks have recently been tightened.

Accordingly, the permissible caffeine content has been limited to a maximum of 320 milligrams per liter. If more than 150 milligrams of caffeine per liter are included, a warning message has been added since December next to the note "Increased caffeine content": "Not recommended for children and pregnant or breastfeeding women." (Ad)