HEALTHY HEALTH A healthy heart leads to a healthy brain

HEALTHY HEALTH A healthy heart leads to a healthy brain / Health News
Improved heart health leads to accelerated thinking processes
According to a recent study, researchers have found that brain health is linked to heart health. Thus, a healthy heart could automatically reduce memory, speed up the thinking process, and improve our thinking skills.

Scientists from the University of Miami and Columbia University investigated the effects of a healthy heart on the health of our brains. In their extensive research, they found that improved heart health can speed up our thinking process and enhance our thinking skills. The physicians published the results of their study in the journal "Journal of the American Heart Association".

Researchers have now discovered in a major study that improved heart health is related to improved health and performance of our gehrins. (Image:

A healthy heart helps us to keep the brain healthy in old age
In their current study, the scientists examined the data of about 1,000 subjects. The participants were on average 72 years old. The doctors found that a healthy heart helps us keep our brains healthy too. In order to maintain or improve the health of our heart, we should control our blood pressure, reduce blood sugar levels, regulate our cholesterol level, and stay physically active, experts suggest. People should exercise at least 150 minutes per week of moderate physical activity or perform 75 minutes of strenuous physical activity to improve their heart health. We also have to pay attention to a healthy diet and eat less salt, sugar and saturated fat, the researchers emphasized. We should also pay attention to our weight and not smoke, the doctors add.

Cardiovascular health directly affects the health of our brain
It was observed in the study that it was very difficult for the participants to reach all of the set goals. Only 1 percent of the subjects achieved all goals, the researchers report. The results of our study demonstrate the need for patients and physicians to improve heart health. We need to monitor all the important factors and provide ideal values, as these factors affect not only cardiovascular health, but also brain health, "said lead author Hannah Gardener of the University of Miami's Miller School of Medicine.

Researchers are studying the brain processing speed of older subjects
At the beginning of the study, researchers looked at the brain processing speed and thinking of older adult subjects. The results showed that some seniors appeared to have a faster brain processing speed, say the scientists. These good results were most noticeable in participants who had a healthy body weight, did not smoke, and had normal blood sugar levels. The so-called brain processing speed measures how quickly a person is able to perform certain tasks that require focused attention, the researchers explain. About six years later, 722 participants repeated the cognitive tests to measure the change in brain performance over time.

Vascular damage and metabolic processes affect later life
An unhealthy heart can not pump blood through the body as efficiently. This also results in reduced blood flow to the brain, and if the brain is not supplied with enough oxygen-enriched blood, it works worse, the doctors say. People with a healthy heart, have a better processing speed in their brain, even the memory and some executive function are less affected by the age. This allows organization, time management and other cognitive skills to be more focused. Recent results suggest that vascular damage and metabolic processes may be important in our cognitive performance and affect our later lives, Gardener says. However, more research is needed to determine if routine treatment of heart health factors can help maintain a healthier and more efficient brain in the elderly.

Benefits of a healthy heart apply to all ages
The new study provides the important insight that the health of our heart and the health of the brain are related, say the experts. The benefits of a healthy heart apply to all ages, so it's never too late to start making positive lifestyle changes to prevent existing risk factors, the doctors added. Older adults can increase their level of physical activity, for example, by simply making 10,000 steps a day. (As)