Autumn weather causes mood low

Autumn weather causes mood low / Health News

Many people suffer from mood swings in autumn and winter


On behalf of Techniker Krankenkasse (TK), the opinion research institute Forsa surveyed more than 1,000 people about their mood during the autumn and winter months. The researchers found that about one in five suffers from an autumn-winter mood low.

After the rainy summer this year, especially at the beginning of the fall, many Germans seem to be suffering from mood swings, according to the results of the Forsa survey conducted on the occasion of the Day of Mental Health on Monday. For example, about one-fifth of the interviewees said that they were emotionally worse in autumn and winter. Rain, wind, cold and the reduced solar radiation make the affected people during the autumn and winter months significantly.

One in five respondents was emotionally struck
The survey carried out on behalf of the Techniker Krankenkasse under 1001 insured persons came to the conclusion that about 20 percent of the respondents have a low mood in autumn and winter. Your mood is significantly negatively influenced by the worse weather. 17 percent of respondents said that the weather only affects their mood negatively if they are stressed anyway. Half of the respondents said that their mood was generally not dependent on the weather. Overall, the women were in the investigation significantly more vulnerable in their mood compared to the weather than the male participants, the statement of TK. Thus, more than a quarter (26 percent) of the women surveyed said their mood was generally worse in the fall and winter months, compared to just 18 percent of men.

Regional differences in the autumn-winter mood low
In addition, the Forsa Institute also noted regional differences in the fall-winter mood low. For example, people in western North Germany seem to feel particularly comfortable during the winter, with 14 percent of respondents even stating that they actually enjoy the autumn and winter weather. In southern Germany, however, people are clearly worse off with the wet and cold weather. Only one percent of respondents from Bavaria stated that they enjoy the weather in the fall and winter months, compared to two percent in the northeast. Also read on the topic: home remedies for winter depression. (Fp)

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Picture credits: Kersten Schröder