Herford boiling water is no longer necessary

Herford boiling water is no longer necessary / Health News
The drinking water in the entire city of Herford no longer needs to be boiled
In recent days, Stadtwerke Herford GmbH has informed that a contamination with germs has been detected in routine drinking water samples in the Herford urban area.

Image: chagin - fotolia

On Thursday (9 July 2015), 16 new samples were taken in all waterworks and in the network area to clarify whether germ counts are actually present in the drinking water or whether the germ load was caused by an error in the course of the investigation.

The results are now available: All drinking water samples from Thursday show an inconspicuous result. Therefore, the district health office lifts the Abkochgebot from now on. It is good that the drinking water is in order according to the current research.

Drinking water is the best-controlled food and is constantly being examined microbiologically and chemically. For the smallest abnormalities or exceeding of limit values, the protection of the consumers has absolute priority. Right now, it has just been shown how sensitively the controls and drinking water values ​​are assessed.

Managing Director Detlef Jeretzky: "I would like to thank all those involved in the process for the cooperation and the measures taken with a sense of proportion. It has been shown that the issued Abkochgebot was just a precautionary measure. My special thanks go to the employees of Stadtwerke Herford, who were working around the clock for the technical measures and for the many questions from the customers. "The customer service is still available until 9 pm on 05221 922-590. (Pm)