Bright skin cancer recognized as an occupational disease

Bright skin cancer recognized as an occupational disease / Health News

Skin cancer can be recognized as an occupational disease from 2015


In certain occupations, increased risk of skin cancer threatens due to the increased exposure to UV radiation. Therefore, from next coming year white or light skin cancer in Germany should be recognized as an occupational disease. Construction workers, pilots, ski instructors and similarly endangered occupational groups could benefit from the new regulation in the future. The health insurance assume that there are significant additional costs.

Increased exposure to UV radiation when working outdoors
Postman Roofers, Farmers: In many occupations, workers spend most of the day outdoors. Because of UV radiation, those working outdoors have a higher risk of skin cancer. From January skin cancer in Germany should now be recognized as an occupational disease. Then people who have been exposed to the sun for many years in their job regularly, for the first time regulated claims for benefits of statutory accident insurance (GUV) in a form of bright skin cancer, as the professional association of German dermatologists (BVDD) reported according to a dpa message. In addition to treatment and rehab, this includes pensions and compensation.

Image: Petra Schmidt

Over 70 recognized occupational diseases
It is said that professional groups such as construction workers, roofers, farmers, sailors, postmen, lifeguards or ski instructors are among the beneficiaries of this scheme. In individual cases, up to now 100,000 euros of "injured pension" have been paid to patients even before the introduction of the new occupational disease. The scientific medical evidence and the approval of the policy - which is considered very safe - are the basis for inclusion in the list of occupational diseases. Currently, the official list of occupational diseases covers more than 70 conditions proven to be the result of the job, such as the classical lung disease.

Costs are reimbursed by accident insurance
For the first time, a list of bright skin cancers (spiny cell cancers) and their precursors (actinic keratoses) will be included in this list. This means that the accident insurance is forced to check if an employee suspects a work-related skin cancer case occurs. As a rule, a registered dermatologist passes on his diagnosis in the form of a medical report to the GUV. If the case is acknowledged, the patient will no longer be reimbursed for his / her health insurance by the accident insurance. The benefits can go far beyond what private or statutory health insurance companies pay. Pensions and compensation are also possible. In addition, the claims also apply to retirees.

Insurers expect high costs
So far, skin cancer in accident insurance in connection with tar only 1.7 million euros a year to book. However, the DGUV expects to include around 20.5 million euros per year by 2020 in the list of occupational diseases. So far, skin diseases account for a total of around 98.2 million euros in the annual budget. These are mainly hand eczema, which occur at the workplaces of hairdressers, nurses or cleaners. Accident insurance costs around twelve billion euros per year.

Those affected should protect themselves from UV radiation
In order not to let it get that far, you should - not only from the particularly affected professional groups - take expert advice to avoid skin cancer. It is especially important to have appropriate sun protection. This not only means that you should cream yourself with sunscreen with the highest possible SPF, but also protects skin areas by long-sleeved clothing and headgear against UV radiation. Since skin cancer, if it is detected at an early stage, can often be cured, especially the people from the risk groups should go to the screening for regular screening. In Germany, insured persons over the age of 35 are entitled to such a screening every two years. (Ad)