Light or dark? - When sunbathing, it always depends on the skin type

Light or dark? - When sunbathing, it always depends on the skin type / Health News
Light or dark: how long you can go into the sun
Summer, sun, sunburn: That does not have to be. Although some people are very vulnerable, they too can prevent the skin from burning. How long one can stay in the sun depends on whether one is rather light or dark. When sunscreen, it is important to pay attention to the skin type.

Sunburn after a few minutes
Although some health experts warn that the tanning achieved by sunbathing is not healthy, but many Germans love to lie in the sun at hot temperatures. However, not every skin is the same: some people can lie exposed for over an hour in the sun, while others burn their skin after only ten minutes. However, this should be avoided because every single sunburn is added to your own skin account. This increases the risk of skin cancer. Sun-hungry people can tell by their skin type how long they can tan unprotected in the sun. In a message from the dpa news agency, the German Skin and Allergy Agency (dha) provides an overview.

The risk of sunbathing is largely determined by the skin type. (Image: Dan Race /

Six different skin types
There are differences in six skin types. Skin type one (also called "celtic type" by experts) is people with very light skin and eye color, freckles and reddish-blond hair. With them the skin does not turn brown in the sun, but at best red. People with this type of skin can get sunburned in less than 10 minutes. For skin type two, also known as the "Nordic type", people are allowed to spend about ten to twenty minutes in the sun unprotected. They have fair skin, light hair, often freckles, are only very slowly brown and often get a sunburn.

Mixed and mediterranean type
People of skin type three ("mixed type") usually have medium-light skin, light or brown eyes as well as brown hair. Although her skin is turning brown slowly, sometimes it also burns in the sun. Normally, they can be left in the sun for about 20 to 30 minutes without protection. Persons with skin type four ("Mediterranean type") have brown skin and eyes as well as dark to black hair. They can tan quickly and deeply and rarely get sunburned. Mostly these guys can stay without sunscreen for half an hour.

One and a half hours without protection in the sun
With skin type five ("dark skin type"), the skin tans very quickly and deeply. These people with dark skin, brown eyes and dark to black hair can spend more than 60 minutes in the sun without protection. Persons with skin type six ("black skin type") do not need sunscreen for more than 90 minutes. People of this skin type have very dark skin, brown eyes, black hair and are very rarely sunburned. (Ad)