Bright bowel movement

Bright bowel movement / symptoms

A light bowel movement does not have to be a sign of illness. The stool is strongly influenced by our daily food intake. For example, a dark to black bowel movement can result from the consumption of red wine. However, stool, which is not only one-time lighter or darker than normal, can be a sign of organic disease. The following are possible digestive diseases that might be suitable for light stools.


Bright bowel movement
Chair is an end product of digestion
Different signs of bright bowel movements
What causes are there for a light bowel movement?

Chair is an end product of digestion

The stool is an end product of digestion. The defecation consists mainly of food leftovers, which the human has admitted but not digested. Other ingredients include digestive juices, intestinal mucosal cells and bacterial strains. Fat is normally sparse in healthy people in the stool. The average content is 3.5 grams per 100 grams of stool. A medically unremarkable bowel movement has a yellow-brown color. People who eat too much meat generally have a dark stool. This means that the more meat eaten, the darker the chair color. An adult has a stool amount of on average 200 to 300 grams per day. If people eat more or take too much fiber - for example, through a vegetarian diet - the amount of stool can also be higher. The chair color is made by Sterkobilin.

The examination of a stool sample provides information about the causes of the light stool. (Image: absolutimages /

Different signs of bright bowel movements

A light bowel movement does not have to be a symptom of a disease of its own, especially if it occurs only once. If this occurs permanently or repeatedly, sufferers should not shy away from the doctor, as a light stool color can be a sign of a background disease. During a first sighting by a medical laboratory or doctor, the color of the chair is defined more precisely. The distinction is important in order to take further diagnostic steps. Here are the different chair colors:

at white, colorless or gray-white chair, which also has an unusual shape, the conventional medicine speaks of "ankolo chair". Patients also describe the chair as "white, hacked or dislocated". Most of the cause lies in a partial or complete occlusion of the bile duct. As a result, the bile pigment can no longer reach the stool in the intestine. The result: The stool loses its true color, appears colorless or bright. Possible causes of a bile duct obstruction are, for example, gallstones and benign or malignant tumors. A visit to a doctor is essential because it can lead to further complications in this appearance.

Does that have Chair a bright, yellow color, The stool color could have been produced by antibiotic drugs (antibiotics). Yellow bowel movements also occur in diarrhea or liquid stools. Infants also often have a yellow to yellowish-brown bowel movement. This is not a sign of illness, but is medically considered normal. Other underlying diseases are described below.

Brighter Chair with green or green shimmering color can also be caused by diarrhea. This may be because the bile did not have enough time to turn the feces into a brown color in the gut. Thus, the stool remains greenish light. If the intestinal flora was damaged by a long-lasting drug therapy with antibiotics, a green bowel movement could also occur. To rebuild the damaged intestinal flora, naturopathy recommends a colon cleansing. This can help rebuild a bacterial intestinal flora. In addition, the previously made food intake can lead to a green stool. This happens when, for example, a lot of uncooked, superficially green vegetables were eaten. Served spinach, broccoli or lettuce can also result in a green color.

Is one White-gray or yellowish-gray chair color before, mucus or pus could be in the intestinal end product. This comes from the gut and may be indicative of various viral or bacterial infectious diseases. A visit to the family doctor is needed to find out the cause of the disease.

Light red or red chair indicates bleeding in the colon or rectum. Bleeding can be caused by tumors, inflammatory areas and diarrhea. Also possible are heavy bleeding in the upper intestinal tract. If the blood is stored in the stool, hemorrhoids are responsible in most cases. But red stools can also be caused by foods such as beetroot.

Bright chair with simultaneous appearance of dark urine may indicate a gall deficiency in the intestine. If the stool is white to gray, this may indicate a complete lack of bile. As the condition progresses, the gall bladder can cause jaundice with the typical symptoms of yellow skin color. The first clear signal is a yellowish color in the eyes. In medicine, gallbladder is administered in the liver and in the body called cholestasis.

What causes are there for a light bowel movement?

The color of the stool can be significantly changed as mentioned by the previous food intake. This is especially true when a light chair occurs only once. If the stool color is permanently much lighter or white to greyish, then different background diseases can be the cause. Disturbances of the formation of bile can occur in liver diseases. Mostly there is an inflammation of the liver (hepatitis).

Disturbances of bile outflow from the liver into the small intestine, or even complete interruption, may indicate bile duct obstruction. This can occur in many parts of the biliary system.

Often, however, an infectious disease is responsible, which is extremely diarrhea. Doctors suspect that there is a swelling of the mucous membrane at the junction of the bile duct in the duodenum. The bright color disappears as soon as the disease has passed.

Another common cause is gallstones or rare tumors in the draining bile ducts that cause gallbladder obstruction. This may be due to pancreatitis or, in the worst case but rarely, to pancreatic cancer. (Sb)

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