Medicinal plants are very popular with Germans

Medicinal plants are very popular with Germans / Health News

Naturopathy: Medicinal plants very popular with Germans.

(11.08.2010) According to a survey carried out by GfK Marktforschung Nürnberg, a large number of Germans regard herbal remedies (homeopathy) as more compatible with classical chemical agents and assume that their significance for medicine will increase in the future.

For the survey carried out on behalf of the pharmacies Umschau, 1,994 persons aged 14 and over were interviewed. With the result that more than 80 percent of Germans prefer herbal medicines and just under 70 percent assume that herbal supplements have few side effects or are far more compatible with chemical agents. Nevertheless, a large proportion of consumers (78.7 percent) are aware of the possible interaction with other drugs and are accordingly careful to use herbal supplements.

While some politicians and leaders, such. For example, the SPD health expert Karl Lauterbach in recent months with statements such as: "You should simply prohibit the health insurance to pay homeopathy." profiled to the public, the majority of Germans seem to be already one step further and have recognized the value of alternative treatment approaches for the health system. Backwind they get here z. B. from the Greens, who emphasize that even the mainstream medicine in many cases „the industrial imitation of remedies that are available in nature for free, "said the leader of the Green Party, Renate Künast.They also stated that in many products of natural medicine benefit and effectiveness are now scientifically proven. (fp)

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