Medicinal plant tour in the clinic Blankenstein

Medicinal plant tour in the clinic Blankenstein / Health News

The Naturopathic Department of the Blankenstein Clinic in Hattingen has organized a new offer for the growing number of those interested in medicinal plants: A team of doctors around the clinic director Prof. Dr. med. André Michael Beer invites you throughout the summer and autumn to guided tours through the medicinal plant garden of the well-known Hattinger specialist clinic.


An essential part of natural healing is herbal medicine (phytotherapy). This has long been successfully used in the Department of Naturopathy in various forms: For example, patients use teas, juices, spices, herbal medicinal products, infusions with plant extracts and wraps, rubs, pads and baths with herbal ingredients. A much visited medicinal plant trail completes the offer.

To make the herbal medicine and its healing substances even more familiar, the team of physicians now offers a guided patient tour through the clinic garden on Mondays and Wednesdays until the end of autumn. The participants learn to recognize important medicinal plants and to use them individually for their needs and illnesses. Practical tips for your own preparation and application of the different plant parts are included. It is also important to note which medicinal herbs should only be used under expert supervision because of their potential toxic effects. Most of the medicinal plants can be found outdoors or grown in the garden and on the balcony. Tables along the medicinal plant trail show the appearance, the healing effect and the preparation. The new knowledge can be sustained by the smell and feel of the plant „saved“ become. The natural beauty of the garden invites you to linger. With this offer, Klinik Blankenstein also wants to contribute to the independence and personal responsibility of patients in dealing with natural medicine.

Medicinal plants gently and sustainably support the natural healing process. They are versatile and usually have fewer side effects than synthetic drugs. Medicinal plants can be traced back to antiquity. In the domestic culture, this knowledge has been passed on from generation to generation. However, the spread of science and conventional medicine has largely lost this tradition. Thus, patients are often surprised by the variety of medicinal plants in their environment, e.g. in the case of stinging nettle, dandelion or lavender, often mistaken as „weed“ be designated. And well-known medicinal herbs such as sage, peppermint, valerian and St. John's wort today often serve only as a flavor variation or ornament. With the garden tours the Clinic Blankenstein wants to revive an almost lost tradition of medicinal plants. (Pm)