Healing renunciation instead of constant starvation detoxify and lose weight during fasting

Healing renunciation instead of constant starvation detoxify and lose weight during fasting / Health News
Especially in the colder months, many people are rather a bit sluggish. Often, the weight gain due to the Christmas delights plays a role. If you want to do something good, you should try a fasting cure. The body is detoxified, new energy fueled and of course you lose even a few pounds.
When fasting the pounds tumble by the way
If people want to reduce their body weight, they often try different diet programs, such as carbohydrates or fat. Also some tricks, such as small plates can help you lose weight. However, many of these methods are not very healthy. Experts advise rather to fasting. The pounds tumble along the way. In the foreground, however, are usually other reasons: Fasting cleanses the stomach and mind and provides new energy.

Use fasting to cleanse the body. Image: Hetizia - fotolia

Conscious abandonment of certain foods
Although it may be hard at first, it is well worth the effort: deliberately avoiding certain foods is a real boon for the body. With a fasting cure can increase the well-being and unfavorable food habits change. In addition, fasting cures promote good intestinal bacteria and can prevent diseases. The fact that even a little hip gold is broken down is not the most important thing, but quite a popular side effect. In a message from the news agency dpa, the chief physician for natural medicine at the Immanuel Hospital in Berlin, Professor Andreas Michalsen said: "Ultimately, it does not matter how fasting, but that you fast at least once a year in therapeutic fasting."

Prepare body for fasting
Before starting the cure, the body should be prepared before fasting with two days of relief in which to eat vegetarian, easy to digest and less than usual. "The actual fasting should, depending on the type of fasting, not take longer than a maximum of ten days," said ecologist Gabriele Graf of the Consumer Center NRW in Dusseldorf. Those who want to fast longer should do so under medical supervision or go to a special fasting clinic. In the dpa message, there is an overview of some types of fasting: fasting with medical effects

The best known variant is probably fasting.
In the fasting method according to the physician Otto Buchinger (1878-1966) is first on a thorough colon cleanse with Glauber or Epsom salts and occasional enemas. Afterwards, no solid food is consumed for five to seven days, in some clinics even for up to 30 days. As Michalsen explained, there is only liquid with a maximum of 500 calories per day. Minerals, the body gets over vegetable broth at noon and vitamins over diluted fruit and vegetable juices. In addition, honey-sweetened teas and water are allowed. This treatment also includes liver wrap and relaxation exercises. "Their advantage is that it can actually achieve medical effects such as rheumatism or hypertension," said Michalsen. In everyday life, however, this treatment can not be integrated so easily. Employees are usually advised to take a vacation.

Soup three times a day
For soup fasting, one or two plates of soup are provided three times a day. Let's start with an oatmeal soup for breakfast. Oatmeal contains many vitamins and minerals, stimulate fat burning and intestinal activity. And they are very filling. "It is important to drink at least two liters a day in addition," recommends Antje Gahl of the German Society for Nutrition (DGE) in Bonn. At lunchtime and in the evening a warm vegetable soup comes on the table. This should be cooked because of the higher fiber content of cabbage or broccoli. The meals can also be prepared in advance and taken in a thermos, for example, to work. The problem with this method, however, is that hardly any for the muscle mass important protein is absorbed. "In order to counteract the muscle breakdown, fasting should basically move a lot during the cure," said Gahl.

Without animal food
Another option is fasting with fruits and vegetables. Those who choose to eat up to five times a day a large portion of fresh fruit and vegetables. Depending on taste and season, these can be apples, strawberries, grapes, carrots, fennel or herbs like parsley. "In this form of fasting the fasting person refrains from all animal food," explained Gahl. So not only on meat or sausage, but also on eggs and dairy products. Also taboo are alcohol and coffee, instead, there are water and herbal teas. The advantage here is that the body through the fruits and vegetables receives vitamins and fiber, which activate the metabolism. But even with this form of fasting, too little protein is supplied to the body for the muscles.

Fasting with milk and rolls
The fasting with milk and rolls goes back to the physician Franz Xaver Mayr (1875-1965). Crucial here is the extremely slow chewing and salivating the stale rolls. Every day there are three bread rolls with up to half a liter of milk. Before the morning and evening meal, the fasting dissolves Epsom salt in water and drinks this mixture. This ensures that the intestine is emptied. For each meal, a roll is cut into small pieces and chewed every single part until it is almost liquid. It is swallowed only when the fasting person has taken a spoonful of fresh milk. The milk provides the body with important nutrients. In addition, three liters of water or herbal tea are drunk every day. You can get away with this treatment too hasty eating and lose pounds at the same time. However, "given the widespread intolerance of lactose in milk, this cure is by no means suitable for everyone," said Michalsen.

"Changing unfavorable eating habits in everyday life"
No matter which fasting cure you choose: "The days of building up after fasting are important for sustained success," explained Graf. The organism must first slowly approach a normal meal rhythm. "For the construction you should take at least three days," the advice of Michalsen. It should not only be moderate and slow eaten, but above all, thoroughly chewed. Gahl emphasized: "In the longer term, however, only those who change unfavorable eating habits in everyday life have a fasting diet." (Ad)