Healer infected patients with HIV

Healer infected patients with HIV / Health News

A self-proclaimed healer in Switzerland purposely infected at least 13 people with Hi-Virus


A music teacher who sees himself as a healer has infected at least 16 of his supposed patients with hi-virus in Switzerland. A court has now sentenced the defendant to a total of 13 years in prison. The Swiss himself sees no culpable offense in his actions and showed no remorse during the trial. Rather, the infected would have infected themselves by their own actions.

In Switzerland, apparently a 54-year-old music teacher, who defines himself as a healer infected at least 16 people with the AIDS virus HIV and some with the hepatitis C virus. A Swiss court sentenced the defendant to almost 13 years of imprisonment on the evidence. The Bernese man took the not yet final verdict, according to newspaper reports „without any remorse and taken care of“. The „healer“ denies any guilt and instead blames the former.

Motive for the deed remains unclear
It remains unclear why the man his patient during the „healing sessions“ According to previous findings, the virus was injected. In court, the accused remained guilty of this question.

One of the victims is a businessman with a Swiss-Italian citizenship. Because he suffered from severe migraines, headaches, and a mild form of epilepsy, he went to the recommendation of a friend „healer“. On the spot, the music teacher explained that complaints could be made „a special acupuncture“ be alleviated. In the convict's living room, the victim should lie down on his stomach and fix his eyes with a stone in the room. When the patient did so, he felt „a slight stitch in the back. After that, the treatment was over“, as the witness confirmed in court.

What the „patient“ did not know that the hypodermic needle was contaminated with the AIDS-causing HI virus. Also the acquaintances, which are to a consultation of the „miracle healer“ had guessed, knew nothing of this. Eventually, she herself became a victim of the accused, and she also contracted HIV infection through a supposed therapy. Furthermore, the woman stated in court, by the defendant „have been dependent“.

The music teacher can not understand all the excitement. He sees himself wrongly accused. Despite the process, he continues to work as a music teacher. Because it is according to his information a „bad press“ gave, he has only one music student to teach. The 54-year-old is a private teacher of music.

Offender denies act
The „healer“ stated in court that he had not infected the victims. Instead, they would have become infected with the AIDS virus through unprotected sexual intercourse or drug use. The clinic, which treated the injured, according to his information, would have the victims „actively on me rushes“. Many of his supposed patients are in his opinion „jealous of the house“. In addition, he had under no circumstances be able to remove and store infected blood. Also because of it „Fear of blood“ he could not do this. The investigation, however, revealed that he blew the blood of an HIV-positive for years. He told the infected person to bring about a cure.

Urs Herren, chairman of the court said on Friday that the defendant was „unscrupulous, sneaky, meaningless and inhuman“ proceed. Some victims assume that the music teacher infected them out of greed. „He probably hooked me up to make money from the promised cure“.

The businessman got involved in 2004. After his visit, the manager, he felt weak. In a clinic, he then learned of his infectious disease. Meanwhile, the immune deficiency disease AIDS has broken out with him. First, the attending senior physician advised against a criminal complaint. Because the thesis is only badly provable, so the physician at that time. But the victim was not deterred. „I knew there would be more victims if we did not turn on the police.“ As then the suspicion cases heaped up, also the public prosecutor's office took up the investigation. In medical examinations it was also found that the HI virus originated from the same pathogen strain in the different infected people.

Dark figure of victims even higher?
Many victims keep their infection secret from their shame until today. „Reporters monitoring the trial had to commit not to publish the names of the victims. For this reason, only invited journalists were admitted to the trial. „Many victims keep the infection secret to this day“. The consequences I would not expect my family, said the injured businessman. Others did not join the process. Some came from the immediate family environment of the offender. The process took a total of 14 days and was followed with great attention by the media in Switzerland. The accused now wants to appeal and not accept the verdict. (Sb)

Picture credits: Carlo Schrodt