Violent pain and heavy bleeding during the period a warning sign

Violent pain and heavy bleeding during the period a warning sign / Health News

Severe pain during menstruation may indicate endometriosis

If women experience severe pain and heavy bleeding during their menses, this may be indicative of one of the two most common gynecological conditions - fibroids or endometriosis. Experts explain what can help those affected.

One of the most common gynecological diseases

Millions of women suffer from very heavy bleeding every month during their menses, usually associated with severe pain. The symptoms can in some cases considerably limit the performance and work ability as well as the quality of life of the affected women. As the Hannover Medical School (MHH) explains in a communication, one of the two most common gynecological diseases can be behind the complaints - fibroids or endometriosis.

Millions of women suffer from very heavy bleeding during their menses, usually associated with severe pain. The symptoms can be an indication of one of the two most common gynecological diseases - fibroids or endometriosis. (Image: ruigsantos /

Women of childbearing age affected

According to the experts, both diseases are hormone-dependent and affect women of childbearing age.

While endometriosis affects an estimated 1.2 to 1.5 million women, ie between 10 and 15 percent of women between the ages of 15 and 50 in Germany, fibroids are much more prevalent.

Experts estimate that between 20 to 40 percent of women of childbearing age are affected by fibroids with increasing incidence until menopause.

Common to both diseases is that, despite intensive research, the causes are still unknown.

"Severe pain before and during menstruation, sexual intercourse but also urination and defecation, a very heavy bleeding or an unfulfilled desire to have children may be indicative of endometriosis or fibroids and should always be gynecologically clarified," said Professor. Peter Hillemanns, Director of the Women's Hospital of the MHH.

Many years can pass until diagnosis

As the MHH communication states, endometriosis is considered an estrogen-dependent disease. "Scattered" uterine lining tissue builds up as in the uterus itself in the cycle on and off again.

The result may be bleeding and chronic irritation, sometimes associated with severe pain.

In addition, it can also lead to (blood-filled) ovarian cysts, which are often the cause of unwanted childlessness.

Although endometriosis is one of the most common gynecological diseases, it still takes on average six years to diagnosis in Germany.

"That's why enlightenment is so important. When women come to the clinic with unclear pelvic complaints, an unfulfilled desire to have children or other diffuse complaints, established gynecologists should always consider endometriosis, "said Drs. Sudip Kundu, Senior Physician of the MHH Women's Hospital and Head of the Endometriosis Center.

The sooner the diagnosis is made, the sooner a suitable therapy can begin.

Strong menstrual pain

The typical symptoms of the disease include severe menstrual pain, chronic pelvic pain and pain during intercourse.

In addition, if endometriosis occurs in the bladder or bowel, it is more likely to have blood in the urine, blood in the stool, or urinary symptoms.

In many cases, painful cysts are also formed. Some women also experience nonspecific symptoms such as back pain, headache, dizziness and stomach problems.

Benign hormone-dependent muscle growths of the uterus

As further explained in the MHH communication, uterine fibroids (uterine fibroids) are benign hormone dependent muscle growths of the uterus.

Affected women may experience symptoms such as heavy or prolonged bleeding during the monthly regimen, pain or pressure in the lower abdomen, or problems with intercourse, urination, or bowel movements.

"Because the size, number and location of myoma nodules are so variable, many women are symptom free. Only when fibroids cause discomfort do we discuss the possible treatment options with women, "says Professor Hillemanns.

Diseases are treatable

The good news: Both endometriosis and fibroids are treatable.

The Women's Hospital of the MHH will inform about causes, symptoms and treatment options at a joint event with the European Endometriosis Liga e.V. on September 12th.

According to the experts, the choice of therapy is made after a thorough gynecological examination together with the patient.

According to the information, depending on the severity of the condition and the circumstances of the patient's condition, this may be the use of medication, sometimes combined with surgery.

Positive experiences with alternative healing methods

In addition to conventional medical treatment methods, alternative healing methods are also conceivable in endometriosis, especially after surgery.

The focus is on the goals of "reducing symptoms, reducing pain and physically or mentally restoring or strengthening the well-being of women," writes the Endometriosis Association Germany on its website.

According to the association, there are already positive experiences with acupuncture, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), homeopathy and herbal medicine (phytotherapy).

The disease can also be positively influenced by a sensible change in diet, the reduction of stress and moderate exercise. (Ad)