Violent vomiting diarrhea Number of norovirus infections more than doubled

Violent vomiting diarrhea Number of norovirus infections more than doubled / Health News
New numbers: number of diseases by norovirus almost doubled
In recent weeks, an unusually high prevalence of norovirus infections has been found in various regions of Germany. In Bavaria, the number of such infections has almost doubled since the beginning of October. The gastrointestinal infections cause severe discomfort such as diarrhea and vomiting.

Norovirus season starts exceptionally early
The crushing diarrhea season, which sets in as well as every year in the cold months, has started much earlier this time. Health experts have been surprised by the unexpectedly drastic start of norovirus time in Germany. Noroviruses are easily transmitted and cause gastrointestinal infections with symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. In Bavaria, there have been many cases of illness in recent weeks.

For weeks, more and more norovirus infections have been registered in various regions of Germany. In Bavaria, the number of infections has almost doubled since October. (Image: Piotr Marcinski /

Infections in Bavaria almost doubled
According to a report by the dpa news agency, almost twice as many people in the Free State have been struggling with Norovirus since the beginning of October as in the previous year. The Bavarian State Office for Health and Food Safety (LGL) registered just under 2,600 cases up to and including Sunday. In 2015, there were only about 1,300.

"The case numbers for norovirus diseases are considered in the current season over the last five years in the upper range," said an LGL spokesman, according to dpa. According to the information, there were the most cases per inhabitant in Lower Bavaria and Upper Franconia, each with almost 20 diseases per 100,000 inhabitants.

According to LGL, the Norovirus season has begun earlier in Bavaria than in previous years. "A forecast of how the season develops, however, is not possible," said the spokesman.

Fast disease outbreak
Noroviruses are highly contagious. According to health experts, the disease usually breaks out quickly after infection, usually between six hours and two to a maximum of three days.

Because of the high contagiousness of the diseases are frequently found in community institutions such as kindergartens, schools, nursing homes and hospitals. Young children and seniors are particularly affected.

Diseased persons are the most important source of infection
"The main source of infection is sick people excreting the virus with stool and vomit. Direct human-to-human transmission is the leading cause of outbreaks of norovirus infection, "the LGL writes on its website.

"Hygiene deficiencies in the processing or preparation of food can lead to the contamination of foods or drinks with Noroviruses and so to infection clusters. Similarly, a transmission through contaminated objects is possible, "it says further.

Even healthy people are still contagious
No medication is available against the reportable gastrointestinal disease, only the symptoms can be treated. Most of the complaints are over after one to three days, but those affected are still contagious for up to 48 hours, warned Bavaria's Health Minister Melanie Huml (CSU).

The best protection against gastrointestinal infections is regular and thorough hand washing.

In general, more attention should be paid to hygiene rules. Contact with the patient should be avoided if possible. In case of illness, it is important to drink a lot to make up for the fluid loss. (Ad)