Violent Pain This can help prevent cluster headaches

Violent Pain This can help prevent cluster headaches / Health News

Expert Tips: How to Prevent Cluster Headache

Affected people know: cluster headaches are one of the worst headaches ever. Unfortunately, common remedies against the attack-like pain usually help little or not at all. You should therefore necessarily be treated by a specialist. However, patients can do some things themselves to prevent discomfort.

Cluster headache heaped up in the spring

Seizure-like, one-sided intense drilling or burning pain in the area of ​​the temple and eye: cluster headache heaped up in the spring. According to the Association of German Nervous Physicians (BVDN), an estimated 70,000 people are affected in Germany. Men three times more likely than women. Common methods that help with tension headache or migraine are often ineffective in cluster headache. Patients should try to find out and then avoid the factors that trigger the pain attacks. It can help, for example, to protect yourself from the glaring light with sunglasses or to abstain from alcohol and coffee.

Cluster headaches are among the worst headaches ever. Common funds usually do not help here. However, sufferers can do some things to avoid pain. (Image: puhhha /

Strong to unbearable pain

As the BVDN explains on the portal "Neurologists and Psychiatrists in the Net", the pain that always sit unilaterally behind the eye, forehead or temple, piercing or stabbing, their intensity is strong to unbearable.

Typical of the disease is a periodic recurrence in so-called clusters. This can then be followed by months without complications.

The headaches are more frequent at certain times of the day and can occur more frequently in the seasons of spring or autumn.

Patients report an inner restlessness, can not lie still and either walk around or move the upper body rhythmically. In addition, they are aggressive and irritable during the attacks.

Typical side effects include a runny nose, red, watery eyes and occasionally redness on the face.

If the symptoms are not treated, they last between 15 and 180 minutes, in parallel there may also be nausea, sensitivity to light and noise.

Inhaling pure oxygen helps many patients

According to the experts, up to 70 percent of those affected help to inhale pure oxygen through a breathing mask that covers the mouth and nose when the procedure is performed within the first 15 minutes of an attack.

If this therapy does not work, the doctor will recommend certain medications. There are various active ingredients available that have proven themselves against the symptoms. Patients should seek specialist advice.

"Relaxation techniques, stress management techniques, acupuncture, neural therapy, biofeedback, massages, and other alternative therapies that help with tension-type headache or migraine are ineffective in cluster headache," writes the BVDN.

Avoid triggering factors as much as possible

To counteract the disease, one should try to find out and then avoid the factors that trigger the pain attacks.

These can include environmental stimuli or certain foods. Ideally, keep a journal to see what the triggers are.

Since alcohol is a known trigger for cluster headache, it should be better avoided. As well as smoking.

Even coffee, nuts and glutamate can trigger the pain attacks. In addition, some sufferers react to glare. Sunglasses protect against the bright light. (Ad)