Shelf life Regularly inspect food supplies at home

Shelf life Regularly inspect food supplies at home / Health News
Food stocks should be checked regularly
Although freshly prepared food usually tastes best, everyone probably also has a - at least - small supply of food at home. For example, if you do not have time to go shopping, pasta or canned food can be very useful. But even with long-lasting products, the expiration date should be kept in mind.

Check stocks regularly
It is true that foods such as baked goods, pasta or canned food last a very long time and may therefore be stored longer. You should always check the supplies again and again. For example, it is possible to avoid that older foods on the shelf move ever further backwards - and then eventually spoil after a certain time. The consumer information service has pointed this out. Nevertheless, you do not have to throw away food quickly. Only recently, the TÜV Rheinland had informed that many foods last longer than stated. The best before date is a "quality promise" from the manufacturer.

Sort out food more often. Picture: Sunny studio - fotolia

Throw away less food
The consumer information service Aid recommends advancing older goods to be consumed next. In the case of products such as muesli or dried fruit, it is good to look through or into the pack from time to time to see whether mold or pests are visible. By keeping such advice, the supply remains manageable, it ends up less in the garbage, and you avoid unnecessary double purchases. Of course, this also saves money, but is recommended for ethical reasons. According to a study by the University of Stuttgart, the Germans throw away an average of 82 kilograms of food per year. That's several million tons of food annually. At the same time, nearly one billion people around the world suffer from hunger and malnutrition. (Ad)