Durable Why are eggs in the store not in the refrigeration department?

Durable Why are eggs in the store not in the refrigeration department? / Health News
Proper storage: Why eggs in Germany are not in the refrigerated counter
Eggs are a staple food for many people. According to experts, they are much healthier than their reputation has suggested for years. Their durability is of course limited. Nevertheless, they are not stored in German supermarkets in the refrigerated counter. Why actually?

Eggs are healthier than their reputation
Eggs still have a bad reputation in some people's health. According to experts, however, they bring various health benefits. Recently, US physicians reported that eating eggs in children promotes growth. In addition, chicken eggs contain not only the important protein but also valuable minerals such as iron and zinc and the vitamins A, E and K. It seems strange that these fresh foods are not stored in the supermarket in the refrigeration. Why is that?

Why are eggs in German supermarkets not stored in the refrigerated counter, but in the US already? (Image: alexandco / fotolia.com)

Organic goods are healthier
Adults are often advised not to consume more than two eggs per day due to supposedly unhealthy cholesterol. However, many experts have raised such warnings about eggs.

Therefore, as a healthy person you do not have to worry about the cholesterol in these foods. And on special occasions like Easter, three eggs are okay.

It is often recommended by professionals to buy organic eggs as they are much healthier. The eggs are best stored in the egg compartment of the refrigerator, experts suggest. But why are not they already chilled in the supermarket??

Natural protective layer keeps eggs over two weeks
The cooking expert Jürgen Zimmerstädt explained on the website of the supermarket chain Edeka that eggs have a natural protective layer, the so-called cuticle, which makes it durable for 18 days after laying.

Among other things, this layer ensures that salmonella and other bacteria do not get inside. When this protection is gone, the eggs must be kept refrigerated to keep them fresh and stable.

Raw eggs are stable for about 28 days after laying, boiled eggs can be kept in the refrigerator for two to four weeks longer.

In the US, eggs are washed after laying
In countries like the US and Canada, eggs have to be stored refrigerated in the supermarket, according to Zimmerstädt. Because they are washed there after laying, whereby the natural protective layer of the product is destroyed.

Therefore, the eggs can no longer be offered uncooled in the store for hygienic reasons. (Ad)