Hair breakage usually has an external cause

Hair breakage usually has an external cause / Health News
Often, external causes are responsible for hair breakage
Especially women dream of healthy long hair. For many, however, the wish is not fulfilled. Hair is very demanding and needs appropriate care. If you do not get these, break the tips quickly. For brittle hair, various causes come into consideration.
Brittle hair due to inappropriate care
Especially many women want healthy hair for a long time. When it comes to hair care, however, a lot can be done wrong. For example, daily washing of hair damages the scalp. In some people, this can lead to skin irritation and damage to the hair. It comes increasingly to complaints such as headache, hair breakage or hair loss.

Hair break has mostly internal reasons. Image: Cara photo - fotolia

Many who struggle with split ends often do not think that this may have anything to do with care. At first, a vitamin or trace element deficiency is often blamed for it. But external causes of brittle hair are not so rare.

Natural hair care with home remedies
Therefore, it is good to first check whether you may be able to blow dry your hair too hot, rub it too hard after washing, or if you need to replace your comb or brush. This writes the magazine "Neue Apotheken Illustrierte", (December 2015 edition), as the news agency dpa reports. It could also be that hair fixative or hair spray are too aggressive. For a damaged hair structure, however, numerous other causes come into consideration. Examples include side effects of some medications, deficiencies or hormonal fluctuations. If external influences are the cause, natural hair care can be alternative with the help of home remedies such as lemons, apple cider vinegar or green tea. (Ad)