Hair These are the most common mistakes in everyday hair washing

Hair These are the most common mistakes in everyday hair washing / Health News
Tips for proper hair care
Many people wash their hair every day while showering without worrying about it. However, doing a lot of wrong things can lead to massive damage and problems such as dry or greasy hair. However, proper care is not difficult - as long as some important points are taken into account.

Only use lukewarm water!
In the morning a hot shower with extensive shampooing: So start many people in the day. But those who are not careful can damage their hair and scalp in the long term. It is therefore important to use only lukewarm water, because too much heat dries up and results in dull, dull and brittle hair. Also, the hair dryer should not be set too hot and also be kept away from the head with some distance to avoid structural damage.

When washing hair many mistakes are often made. Image: michaelheim - fotolia

Conditioner only in the hair lengths and tips massage
Before washing, it is recommended to comb through the hair again. Because this allows the shampoo to spread better on the head and also a subsequent conditioner or cure can be better absorbed by the hair. In addition, here is the saying "less is more": Instead of distributing quantities of care products throughout the hair, usually enough about a walnut-sized blob of shampoo, which is massaged especially in the hairline and the scalp. The conditioner should, however, be used only in the lower lengths and tips, as they applied in the approach, the fat faster fat.

Rinse shampoo thoroughly
It is important to thoroughly rinse the care products so that no residues remain, which could unnecessarily damage the hair and scalp. After washing, care should be taken not to rub the hair vigorously with the towel as it may cause knots or even hair breakage. Instead, it is advisable to gently push out remaining water with your hands or a terry cloth. After that, the hair should be air dried best.

Generally, experts for a healthy scalp recommend that you do not wash your hair too often. For those who reach for the shampoo bottle daily risk unwanted reactions of the sebaceous glands, as the care products of the scalp deprive a lot of fat and the natural protective coat of the scalp is attacked. As a result, the hair often dry and there are other complaints such as itchy skin and dandruff.

Zinc-rich foods can help with hair problems
If this is the case, even simple home remedies for dandruff can often help to get the problem under control again. Depending on whether it is dry or greasy dandruff, here comes e.g. a pack of yoghurt or a cure of nettles. In addition, a high-zinc diet (such as sea fish, sunflower seeds, and lentils) can help rebalance sebaceous gland production and keep the scalp healthy. (No)