Hair loss and nervousness thyroid check

Hair loss and nervousness thyroid check / Health News

Hair loss and nervousness can indicate thyroid disorders


Hair loss and increased nervousness can be an expression of thyroid disease and should therefore be checked by a doctor, reports the news agency „dpa“ citing the statements of the professional association of German internists (BDI) in Wiesbaden.

Thyroid disorders can generally trigger a very broad spectrum of symptoms, including swollen or fat legs, sleep disorders, profuse sweating, palpitations, constipation and diarrhea. Nervousness and hair loss, however, are initially rarely associated with thyroid disease. However, hyperthyroidism is generally considered here according to the Association of German Internists. This also applies to complaints such as palpitations, weight loss despite adequate food intake or protruding eyeballs.

Thyroid disorders with significant influence on the metabolism
Typical signs of hypothyroidism are fatigue, weakness and increased freezing, according to BDI. The mentioned blockages and muscle cramps can also indicate, according to the experts, an underactive thyroid. While certain metabolic processes are accelerated by the increased secretion of thyroid hormones in hyperthyroidism, the exact opposite is the case with hypothyroidism. The metabolic processes are slower than normal and many sufferers, for example, despite significant appetite, significantly increased body weight.

One-third of adults with altered thyroid
To determine over- or under-functioning of the thyroid gland, a physical examination with palpation of the organ usually takes place first. An ultrasound examination can provide further important information and a blood analysis makes it clear how the concentration of thyroid hormones in the organism actually fails. If a thyroid disorder is suspected, the BDI recommends an early visit to the doctor, because the sooner the therapeutic treatment is started, the better the chances of success. On the spread of thyroid disease, the BDI explained that about one third of adults have a change in the thyroid gland. (Fp)

Image: Beßler / Havlena