GWUP plans homeopathy overdose action

GWUP plans homeopathy overdose action / Health News

Homeopathy: action „overdose“: nothing in it, nothing to it?

The Society for the Scientific Investigation of Parasitic Sciences, GWUP for short, announces „overdose“-Actions in Berlin, Hamburg, Essen, Cologne, Frankfurt and Munich. On the 5th of February, homeopathy opponents will meet to form one „overdose“ homeopathic remedies - and to interpret the absence of symptoms of intoxication as ineffective drugs.

What makes homeopathic doctors smile is part of an international campaign. The German Central Association of Homeopathic Physicians (DZVhÄ) explains why the staged by the GWUP „overdose“ homeopathic remedies is meaningless: „This so-called overdose is utter nonsense, as it does not matter in high potencies, whether 2 or 500 globules are taken“, explains Curt Kösters, second chairman of the DZVhÄ, „In addition, there are medical requirements for a homeopathic proving that are crucial for success.“ The frequency of taking granules is crucial, not the amount. That homeopathic provings work well documented and confirmed in double-blind studies.

Homeopathy is based on the principle of similarity. That too leaves the action „overdose“ disregard the homeopathy opponents. If the actionists described their individual complaints to a homeopathic doctor, they could find a healing homeopathic treatment for the individual. „Homeopaths claim that high potencies produce a substance-specific effect; they do not claim that it is a pharmacological effect“, distinguishes Kösters: „The goal of a homeopathic drug administration is the stimulation of reactions of the organism. These reactions can be clearly distinguished from pharmacological effects and are strongly individualized.“ The one-time use of a homeopathic remedy, which has no relation to a disease, is not homeopathy, neither a treatment nor a proving.

Individual medicine without side effects is unimaginable for the GWUP. So it says on their website: „This is also the central point of taking a homeopathic 'overdose': drugs with a supposedly safe and strong effect should have side effects, right? And vice versa: What does not even trigger in a huge overdose side effects, probably has no main effect!“ Against the background of this simple attitude of mind, it should remain a mystery to the actionists why the popularity of homeopathy with doctors, health insurance companies and the population is increasing.

Some facts about homeopathy in Germany: The number of physicians with additional homeopathic training has doubled in the last 15 years (from 3000 to about 6000). Around two-thirds (100 out of 158) of the statutory health insurance companies in Germany pay the costs of medical homeopathy. More than half of the population (57 percent) already use homeopathic medicines, 25 percent state „convinced users“ to be; Two percent consider homeopathic remedies to be ineffective. (Allensbach Umftrage 2009). Further information at or personally. (Pm)

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Picture: Günther Richter