The gynecologist is said to have abused patients in his practice

The gynecologist is said to have abused patients in his practice / Health News
Gynecologist is in Cologne in the district court
A gynecologist from the mountain Odenthal (North Rhine-Westphalia) is said to have sexually abused several patients in his practice. Now he has since Tuesday in a criminal case in front of the Cologne district court. The approbation of the 63-year-old defendant is suspended, since the end of 2013 he is no longer allowed to work as a gynecologist.

Doctor performs unauthorized acts in the genital area
A 63-year-old gynecologist is suspected of having sexually abused several women in his practice. As the news agency "dpa" reported, it is clear from the indictment that the doctor has carried out acts in the genital area of ​​four women, with the intention of "sexually stimulating".

A gynecologist from the vicinity of Cologne is suspected of having abused several of his patients. (Image: homonstock /

No medical assistant with in the examination room
The man should therefore, for example, under a pretext creams massaged in the genital area or have performed with his finger an alleged investigation of the anal area. In a patient who was lying on her stomach, the gynecologist was said to have invaded. In order not to be discovered, the doctor had apparently always ensured that no nurse was in the examination room.

The physician from the mountain Odenthal near Cologne had exploited by his actions the relationship of trust with his patients, it said, according to the news agency on. Since the end of 2013 he is no longer allowed to work in his profession, his license is suspended.

Heavy burden for the women affected
Due to the allegations, the man is now in a criminal case before the Cologne district court. It is envisaged that several women appear in the process as witnesses, some as co-plaintiffs, so the "dpa" on. The prosecution emphasized that the experiences in the practice were burdensome for the women concerned. A patient is said to be in psychological treatment. However, after just under an hour, the process was interrupted, as the defendant's defender, Kerstin Fabian, objected to the occupation of the criminal court. She then told the dpa that her client rejected the allegations.

Doctor convicted of secretly taking pictures
Only a few years ago, the trial of a gynecologist from Schifferstadt in Rhineland-Palatinate had caused a stir. The judges considered it proven that the doctor had made secret photos of patients for years for sexual motivation. Among other things, the man was sentenced to 35 years 'imprisonment for three and a half years' imprisonment and subsequent four-year ban on his profession, as a result of violations of the highly personal living space by taking pictures in more than 1400 cases. (No)