Good well-being through plants in the office

Good well-being through plants in the office / Health News

Green plants increase the well-being and increase the efficiency


Well-being at work has a significant impact on the performance of employees. Here plants can show a very positive effect not only because of the visual enhancement, but also because of their effect on the indoor climate, reports TÜV Süd.

According to TÜV Süd, green plants improve the indoor climate by releasing moisture through the leaves, producing oxygen and filtering dust and pollutants out of the air. Added to this is the effect that most people generally perceive plants as pleasant and thus their well-being is increased. This in turn has a positive effect on the effectiveness of the employees. Because „Employees perform best when they feel comfortable“, quotes the news agency „dpa“ the occupational physician Wiete Schramm from TÜV Süd.

Check potting soil for mold
Which plants are suitable for the respective work well depends, according to the TÜV Süd, primarily of „the conditions, so the premises and lighting conditions“ from. Here you should be advised in doubt, expert in a flower shop, recommends the TÜV. In the end, it remains a matter of taste, which plants decide to employees. Because of their effectiveness as pollutant filters, for example, green lilies or the dragon tree are particularly popular. But other plants such as ferns, cyprusgrass or Zimmerlinde also offer a positive effect on the office atmosphere and the indoor climate, according to TÜV Süd. „However, the soil should be regularly checked and replaced with mold“, warn the experts of TÜV Süd. Also recommends the occupational physician Wiete Schramm before asking new plants to ask colleagues because there may be allergies to certain plants such as ficus. (Fp)

Image: Carsten Jünger / ART Kombinat