Good intentions for the New Year Three ways to protect yourself from cancer

Good intentions for the New Year Three ways to protect yourself from cancer / Health News

2019 do more for the health: Good intentions against cancer

Give up smoking, less stress, use the smartphone less: Many Germans make good intentions for the New Year. For anyone who wants to do something for their health in 2019, experts suggest three ways to protect against cancer.

Numerous cancers are preventable

More and more people are getting cancer. The number of new diagnoses in Germany has almost doubled since 1970. According to experts, a large proportion of all cancers are considered preventable. Because a healthy lifestyle can significantly reduce the risk of cancer. The Cancer Information Service of the German Cancer Research Center (Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, DKFZ) now recommends three ways to protect against cancer at the turn of the year. Everyone can contribute to reducing their personal cancer risk.

Many people at the turn of the year make good intentions, such as giving up smoking, getting more exercise and eating healthier. What most people do not realize is that it also reduces personal cancer risk. (Image: eyetronic /

Preventive measures

Anyone who has celebrated properly on such occasions as New Year's Eve likes to stop smoking, eat healthier, lose weight or do more sports.

Not everyone realizes that not only can they bring the figure in top shape, but also reduce the risk of getting cancer or other threatening widespread diseases.

Health experts suggest that risk factors such as smoking, physical inactivity, overweight, high alcohol intake and an unhealthy diet should be avoided.

As the DKFZ writes in a communication, 30 to 50 percent of all cancers worldwide could be avoided if everyone led a healthy lifestyle and implemented the scientifically proven preventative measures.

This is especially true for common cancers, such as lung, skin and colon cancers, probably also for breast cancer.

"Avoiding the typical risk factors is definitely worthwhile, even if unfortunately not every cancer can be prevented, even if you follow all the recommendations" Susanne Weg-Remers, Head of the Cancer Information Service.

Vaccinate against cancer

Parents can use the vaccine, which protects against the infection caused by human papilloma virus (HPV), as an important foundation for their children's cancer prevention.

"The vaccine protects against several cancers and their precursors, for example, from cervical cancer and other genital tumors. It is considered well-tolerated and safe, "says Weg-Remers.

The HPV vaccine is no longer recommended only for girls, but also for boys.

The vaccine against hepatitis B recommended for infants and toddlers can protect against cancer, which can develop on the basis of a chronic infection of the liver, explains the DKFZ.

Detect illness early

Another approach to protect yourself is the legal cancer screening. Because the sooner a cancer is recognized, the greater the chances of recovery are.

Both men and women have the opportunity to undergo screening for skin cancer and colon cancer.

For women there are also breast cancer and cervical cancer screening options, and for men, early diagnosis of prostate cancer.

Studies have unfortunately shown that the so-called strong gender in the provision is weak and the offers perceives too rarely.

Participation is voluntary, the costs are covered by the health insurance companies.

Further information

If you would like to take advantage of the offer, you should first inform yourself: What advantages does the investigation offer me? What is to be considered? The Cancer Information Service also provides answers to these and other questions about cancer screening.

The information sheets of the Cancer Information Service on the topics "prevention", "vaccination" and "early diagnosis" summarize everything worth knowing in a concise and understandable form.

The brochure "What can I do? Against Cancer! "Provides more tips and advice on preventing cancer. All materials can be downloaded, printed or ordered on this website. (Ad)