Good intentions for 2015 More sport, less stress

Good intentions for 2015 More sport, less stress / Health News

Stress reduction, healthier nutrition and more sport are high on the list of good intentions for the Germans in 2015


Six out of ten Germans want to reduce their stress in 2015 and provide more relaxation. This resulted in a representative Forsa survey commissioned by the health insurance DAK health. In addition to stress reduction, many respondents also want to do more sports and pay attention to a healthier diet. For the first time, the survey also included the use of media, which is increasingly regarded as negative behavior.

30- to 44-year-olds are the most affected by stress
The „Rushhour generation“ Between the ages of 30 and 44, the survey is particularly affected by stress. 68 percent said they wanted to provide more relaxation next year. This age group seems to be the most heavily burdened both professionally and privately. Almost 40 percent stated that they were under pressure due to their constant accessibility. Of the total of 5,000 survey participants, 51 percent felt the time pressure in the job and 46 percent annoyance in the family as a major stress trigger. „Switch off more often is a good remedy for stress“, explains the DAK psychologist Frank Meiners. „Anyone who creates rest breaks in the stressful working life remains relaxed and promotes health.“ The expert advises to clear agreements with the boss. These would help to realize what was done.

The good intentions for 2015 include not only stress reduction but also more time for family and friends (55 percent) and more time for themselves (48 percent). „These are good intentions that help to stay relaxed“, so Meiners. „Whether it's the breakfast with the partner or the yoga class after work, positive experiences work wonders against stress.“

In addition, many Germans want to do more sports in the coming year (55 percent), pay attention to a healthier diet (48 percent) and slimming (34 percent). The survey revealed that men now want to look for a healthier lifestyle as part of their good intentions for 2015. „One in three men strive to melt the pounds“, informs the DAK-Health in a message.

Reduce cell phone usage as a good intent for 2015
For the first time, the survey participants were also asked about their use of media. Accordingly, especially the age group between 14 and 29 sees the need to change their behavior here. Almost 30 percent of them said that they did not want to use mobile phones, computers and the internet in 2015 as much as before. The older the respondents were, the less likely they were to use their media as a burden. For example, only eight percent of people over the age of 60 said they wanted to reduce them.

A comparison of the federal states showed clear differences with regard to the persistence of the good intentions: Two-thirds (64 percent) of the citizens of Berlin said that they had held on for at least four months. In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern it was 62 percent, in Thuringia 58 percent. By contrast, Bremer, Niedersachsen and the Rhineland-Palatinate were less successful with 48 percent. Nationwide, at least every second stated that he had put his good intentions into action for at least four months. (Ag)

Picture: Rainer Sturm