Good intentions That's the way it works

Good intentions That's the way it works / Health News

Good intentions: That's the way it works


Living a healthier life, avoiding stress as much as possible, having more time for the family, learning a new language: many people are taking on a lot at the turn of the year, but unfortunately the euphoria is usually gone after a few weeks. Good intentions should not be abandoned. Some tips can help.

The stamina is crumbling
According to a survey, many Germans have committed themselves to live more stress-free, spend more time for family and friends, and do more sports for the new year. But also in professional terms, plans were forged. „Everything will be better this year.“ With such ambitious thoughts, some working people started the new year. But already disillusionment is spreading and the persistence will crumble. In a message from the news agency dpa valuable tips are given, as it is still something with the good intentions.

To go in and concentrate on the essentials
„Take a piece of paper and write down what you set out to do“, explains the psychologist Hans-Werner Rückert. Those who have not yet started implementing their good intentions should ask why. „The whole thing was perhaps a spontaneous mood“, said Ruckert. „To actually change things, you often have to change habits.“ Employees should ask themselves if they are ready and how important it is for them to reach a specific goal. The psychology professor Gerhard Stemmler recommends sorting the projects and concentrating on the essentials. Often it helps to delete some of the good intentions.

Stay on the ground
„In 99 percent of the cases, it is necessary to revise the project“, says career counselor Hanne Bergen. „I want to be more confident“ or „I want to move forward professionally“ are not projects, but wishes. It is important to formulate a concrete goal out of it, such as: „I will have a salary negotiation with my boss.“ Stemmler warns that with wishes like „I want to become Chancellor of Germany“ should be cautious, since the risk of failure at such ambitious goals is great. To be realistic, it is best to listen to assessments from your partner and friends. Psychologist Sabine Gregersen from the German Employers Association for Health Services and Welfare (BGW) in Hamburg also explained a few days ago how to make it better in 2015 and said that the first success factors are already the correct selection and formulation of good intentions. You should not go too far. „There are people who fool themselves into believing that they have to work everything out completely“, so Rückert. „It would be good for them to do less.“

Achieve fast results
You should specify when you start with good intentions. The consultant gives examples: „I'm talking to someone today who has changed his job in the past two years. I'm looking for a mentor, a role model.“ Or: „I might have done that in two hours.“ In this way, fast successes set. „If you succeed, you feel like it, then it will be easier to implement it“, so Rückert. With the help of intermediate goals can be checked whether one is on course. Rückert further explains: „When I share my goals, I increase the social pressure.“ And then friends will suddenly ask what's up with this or that plan.

Stay flexible
„No matter what was yesterday, I'll try again!“ According to Bergen, with this attitude you finally reach your destination. „If you want to achieve big goals, it's important to keep different paths open and stay flexible.“ This could mean, for example, in a salary negotiation with the boss, not to stiffen on an increase in the monthly payment, but also accept other improvements such as an annual bonus, gratuities or even the permission to work in the home office, as a result. Rückert says that reaching a goal is often rewarding enough. „For external targets, it is important to consciously reward yourself.“ According to Bergen, working people could celebrate a visit to the sauna or an evening in the cinema when they have overcome a major obstacle. Stemmler recommends that employees fix their projects best in order to implement them quickly. You avoid saying that over and over again: „Well, I'll do that tomorrow.“ Or even in the new year. (Ad)

Picture: GG-Berlin