Gambling addiction Tens of thousands of people are at risk

Gambling addiction Tens of thousands of people are at risk / Health News
Around half a million people in Germany are affected by gambling addiction, according to an older study. The addiction is considered a mental disorder. In Bavaria, according to new figures, around 70,000 people are at risk of gambling.
Half a million Germans affected by gambling addiction
The great addictiveness of gambling seems to be affecting more and more people. Approximately 500,000 people in Germany are affected by gambling addiction, as a study on pathological gambling and epidemiology (PAGE) in 2011 showed. The addiction is considered a mental disorder. From Bavaria, more recent figures are available. The club Condrobs said in a press release that about 70,000 people in the Free State are at risk of gambling.

More and more people are addicted to gambling. Image: VRD - fotolia

Action day against gambling addiction
"The number of people with gambling-related problems is worrying, in Bavaria alone, we are currently out of about 37,000 pathological players," said the social worker and Condrobs addiction consultant, Maximilian Schwarzkopf, in the message. And another 34,000 people would have a "problematic" gaming behavior. The experts of Condrobs want to enlighten on the nationwide day of action against gambling addiction next Wednesday about the dangers.

Addiction can destroy complete existence
Through gambling addiction, the entire existence can be destroyed. "People with gambling-related problems accumulate an average of 24,000 euros in debt," said the managing director of the Bavarian Gambling Agency, Konrad Landgraf. "And they not only gamble their money, but often their families, their friends, their jobs and their social prestige." Similarly expressed the Baden-Wuerttemberg Minister of Social Affairs Katrin Altpeter (SPD) last year, when she was impoverished warned by gambling addiction.

Behavioral disorders spread throughout society
According to the information, the 22 addiction counseling centers in Bavaria financed by the state office for gambling addiction last year advised nearly 1,800 players and around 300 relatives. According to the so-called diagnostic classification system of the World Health Organization (WHO), "pathological play" is defined as F63.0. This coding belongs to the impulse disturbances. Although the respective urgent actions are consciously experienced in these disturbances, they are very difficult to prevent on their own initiative. Such behavioral disorders are common throughout society. (Ad)