Gambling Playing at the machine is increasing

Gambling Playing at the machine is increasing / Health News

Less and less people play the lottery and Toto


Fewer and fewer people play gambling games like Lotto, Toto or GlücksSpirale. This is from the current earnings report for the study „Gambling behavior and gambling addiction in Germany 2013“ the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA). Accordingly, although the popular lottery „6 out of 49“ played in comparison to previous surveys much less frequently, on the other hand, however, the use of slot machines has increased steadily in recent years.

BzgA regularly conducts a representative study on the use of gambling
Gambling games such as lottery and toto obviously lose more and more popularity in Germany. This is from the study „Gambling behavior and gambling addiction in Germany 2013“ for which the Federal Center for Health Education (BzgA) since 2007 regularly interviews 16- to 65-year-olds in Germany about their use of gambling. As a result, last year only 25.2 percent of the population had gambling games like the otherwise popular lottery „6 out of 49“ In contrast, in 2011 there were still 31.5 percent. In addition, the percentage of young people using commercial gambling has fallen in the last two years from 24.1 percent in 2011 to 9.2 percent in 2013, according to the BzgA.

„Measures of the state societies to protect minors“
For the German lottery companies, the results of the current BzgA study would confirm the „the player and consumer protection oriented supply policy“ mean, explains the managing director of Saarland Sporttoto GmbH Michael Burkert. „The measures taken by state-owned companies with their high standards for the protection of minors are taking effect“, Michael Burkert, so in his opinion, games like that would be „LOTTO 6aus49, Eurojackpot or the state sports betting ODDSET „hardly addictive“.

Steady increase in numbers when playing at vending machines
However, the situation is different when playing at slot machines, because here is „a steady increase from 2.2 percent in 2007 to 3.7 percent in 2013“, informs the BzgA further. In particular, young men between 18 and 20 years would be affected, because while in this age group in 2007, 5.8 percent had played at slot machines, there were last year already 23.5 percent.

BzgA sees no reason for all-clear on the subject of gambling addiction
Accordingly, from the point of view of the BzgA despite the declining numbers in gambling can be given no all-clear. „Gambling behavior in Germany continues to be a cause for concern“, said the head of the BzgA, Peter Lang. „Men, people with a migrant background and unemployed people continue to be at increased risk for the problematic use of gambling services. The hope for the big profit can ultimately lead to uncontrolled playing and the risks are underestimated. Against this background, it is still necessary to continue the previous prevention strategies.“ (No)

Image: La-Liana