Happiness studies What is the key to our well-being?

Happiness studies What is the key to our well-being? / Health News
Physicians examine the conditions for happiness and satisfaction
From the beginning of humanity we try to find out what makes us happy and satisfied. Are the reasons for this a good job and a lot of money or are our health and an intact harmonic relationship much more important? Researchers now found that relationship status and mental health are crucial to perceived happiness and life satisfaction.

The London School of Economics (LSE) researchers found that a series of studies on happiness led to a harmonious relationship leading to improved satisfaction. Happiness and satisfaction depend mainly on the person's relationship and mental health, not on the annual income. The experts published a press release on the results of their investigation.

What are the causes of happiness and happiness in most people? Researchers found that money and income are secondary to our happiness. Really important are mental health and a harmonious relationship. (Photo: Robert Kneschke / fotolia.com)

Researchers analyze several international surveys on the topic of luck and unhappiness
The extensive orientation study examined the results of several international surveys on the causes of happiness and unhappiness. Overall, the responses of 200,000 people were included in the study. The physicians thus tried to understand which factors are important for happiness and satisfaction.

Study uses so-called Lucky Point scale
For their investigation, the researchers used a luck scale with points from one to ten. The analysis of the data in the study showed that a doubling of the salary in humans only leads to an increase in the happiness value by 0.2 points, explain the physicians. People with one partner generally had a score of 0.6 points on the same scale. Depression and fears, on the other hand, led to a decline in happiness of 0.7 points, the researchers add.

Wellbeing is more important than prosperity
Former British government advisor Professor Richard Layard of the London School of Economics co-authored the study and stated that the new evidence should lead to a rethinking of the state of affairs. It is not the creation of wealth that is important to general happiness and satisfaction, but it is much more important to create a sense of well-being, the expert explains. Fighting depression and anxiety is far more effective than fighting poverty.

Factors that influence our well-being:
In the past, states have mostly dealt piece by piece with poverty, unemployment, education and physical health. However, there are other important factors for satisfaction and happiness of the individual. Today, aspects such as experiencing domestic violence, alcoholism, depression and anxiety are just as important, say the doctors. For adolescents, in addition, a progressive alienation and auditing fears are crucial for happiness and satisfaction. Of course, there are many other reasons for happiness or unhappiness of individuals, emphasize the researchers.

Findings discussed at the Wellbeing Conference
The results of the study evaluation will be discussed at the London School of Economics on 12 and 13 December at a major well-being conference. The event is organized jointly with the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and other leading institutions. (As)