Toxic mistake Woman is poisoned with wrong aloe vera

Toxic mistake Woman is poisoned with wrong aloe vera / Health News
Blogger eats instead of healthy aloe vera leaves of poisonous agave
The Aloe Vera is considered by some to be a true "wonder plant", which is not only excellent for skin care, but can also help with various health ailments. A young woman from China wanted to show on her blog how healthy the plant is. But she bit into another plant and poisoned herself.

Aloe vera is used externally and internally
The Aloe Vera is a true all-rounder in naturopathy. The plant, which is used both externally and internally, is used, among other things for sunburn or as a home remedy in feeling of fullness. However, the healing power has so far been proven only in a few studies. Especially for the effectiveness of internal use sufficient evidence is missing. A blogger from China wanted to show her viewers what Aloe Vera really is. But she made a dramatic mistake.

A young woman from China wanted to show in her blog how healthy Aloe Vera is. However, she made a mistake and bit into the leaf of a poisonous plant. Because of the reactions she had to go to hospital immediately. (Image: Yeko Photo Studio /

Dangerous mix-up
According to media reports, 26-year-old blogger Zhang wanted to show the health benefits of aloe vera in a livestream. To demonstrate this, she bit into a leaf of a plant.

It was not aloe vera but a poisonous plant. Apparently, the young woman noticed the confusion quickly.

As the portal Asiaone puts it, she said, "That's great. Tasty. "But she quickly changed her mind and said," Oh, that's bitter. That's really bitter. "

The blogger ended her livestream immediately and went to a hospital.

Blogger bit into poisonous agave americana
It turned out that the woman had eaten no aloe vera, but an agave americana. These two plants look very similar, but unlike the aloe vera, the agave is poisonous.

Zhang later explained that her mouth had been "numb" and her throat "burned like fire". After three bites of Agave americana she "lost her voice".

It is said that the doctors were already able to detect rashes and blisters on her body and had to pump her stomach out. Thereafter, her condition has stabilized.

Serious irritation of the skin possible
The juice of the agave is sometimes used as a remedy. It is slightly toxic and should therefore be carefully dosed, experts advise. In undiluted form, it can cause severe irritation of the skin and mucous membranes.

As revealed by a Cornell University publication in Ithaca, New York, "Agave americana contains several toxic compounds whose effects are not yet fully understood".

From the sap is produced in Mexico but also liquor, the known Mezcal.

In addition, the plant produces agave syrup, which many consider a healthier sweetener than sugar. (Ad)