Toxic sushi meal Patient must be amputated hand and forearm

Toxic sushi meal Patient must be amputated hand and forearm / Health News

The consumption of sushi had terrible consequences for a man from South Korea

A 71-year-old South Korean man now had to have his hand and forearm amputated because his flesh already began to rot after eating sushi.

The affected man from South Korea was infected with a potentially deadly meat-eating bacterium that caused painful black ulcers to grow on his skin 12 hours after consuming sushi. Over time, the man's condition continued to deteriorate. The infection was so bad that 25 days later the affected person had to have his hand and forearm amputated. The medical history of the man was published in the English language journal "The New England Journal of Medicine".

A South Korean man lost his hand and forearm after consuming sushi. (Image: yuliiaholovchenko /

Concerned already suffered from some serious illnesses

The 71-year-old man went to an emergency room after the infection, after two days of fever and excruciating pain in his left hand. The sufferer had a history of type 2 diabetes and hypertension. In addition, a so-called hemodialysis for kidney disease in the final stage was performed in the person affected.

How did the infection develop??

At the time of presentation, haemorrhagic blisters of 3.5 x 4.5 cm had already developed on the palm of his left hand. In addition, erythematous swelling with confluent blisters and so-called ecchymoses had formed on the back of the hand and forearm. The doctors in the hospital diagnosed a necrotizing fasciitis caused by the bacterium called Vibrio vulnificus. This required surgical intervention. Postoperatively, the patient then received intravenously the drugs ceftazidime and ciprofloxacin.

What causes Vibrio vulnificus?

Vibrio vulnificus may cause skin infections after contact with contaminated seawater, as well as primary sepsis due to consumption of contaminated raw or uncooked seafood. Patients with immunosuppressive diseases, including chronic liver disease and cancer, are at increased risk for infections and complications.

Patient has already been discharged home

Despite the treatment, the skin lesions developed into deep necrotic ulcers and amputation of the left forearm was performed 25 days after the presentation. The patient recovered well after surgery and was eventually discharged home.

What is necrosis?

The doctors first emptied the blisters on the hand before finally deciding that his forearm and hand were beyond saving because the man's skin was already so badly rotten. The deep ulcers on his hand caused necrosis, the death of living tissue, which can spread and cause irreparable injuries.

Diabetes increases the risk of skin ulcers

People with diabetes are at particular risk of developing skin ulcers, as the state of the body restricts the flow of blood and nutrients to the skin, so healing takes longer. Sometimes there is no cure at all. (As)