Giftnotruf wants prescription for paracetamol

Giftnotruf wants prescription for paracetamol / Health News

East German Poison Information Center calls for prescription for analgesics with the drug acetaminophen


The East German poison information center warns against the overdose of paracetamol. In pharmacies over-the-counter painkillers with the active ingredient paracetamol can cause severe liver damage and should therefore no longer be negotiable without prescription, the Erfurt poison emergency calls.

Despite stricter drug restrictions, poisoning numbers do not go down
Although painkillers containing more than 10 grams of the active substance paracetamol have been subject to prescriptions since April 2009, the number of victims of poisoning and liver damage would not have dropped, explains Helmut Hentschel, head of the poison emergency in Erfurt: „We have a paracetamol case almost every day.“ Although the release amount of paracetamol was limited, however, a patient who wants to buy more than the over-the-counter amount can simply go to the nearest pharmacy. An overdose was not counteracted by the restriction of the delivery amount. Therefore, doctor Hentschel urgently requires the prescription for paracetamol: „This step is long overdue, as an overdose causes serious side effects.“

Serious damage due to overdose of paracetamol
Those who take too much acetaminophen risk serious liver damage, so that even a transplantation may be necessary, explains Hentschel. Even small amounts of the active ingredient can be dangerous. For example, if a patient takes paracetamol for several days in a toothache, a dangerous dose may be reached. „The risk is just too high, so you should seriously think about a prescription requirement“, warns the head of the poison emergency Erfurt. In 2011, the Poison Information Center registered nearly 360 paracetamol intoxications. This represents about five percent of all drug related emergency calls.

What alternative treatment options are available for pain?
Dr. Gerhard Müller-Schwefel, President of the German Society for Pain Therapy, advises, for example, the use of cold pads or the application of peppermint oil to the temples for headaches, relaxation methods and acupuncture for tension-type headache as well as bio-feedback procedures. It has also been proven that a lot of exercise helps against migraine and back pain. Sufficient drinking and calf wrap can help against fever. In general, a doctor should be consulted in case of sudden and recurrent pain, to get to the root of the cause and to determine a suitable therapy. (Ag)

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