Is there a lunar influence on surgical pain?

Is there a lunar influence on surgical pain? / Health News

Study: Moon has no influence on pain after surgery


A recent study shows that the moon phases have no effect on the pain after surgery. Researchers at the University Hospital Jena have evaluated the data of more than 12,000 patients from nine European countries.

Moon phases are attributed considerable influence
The Moon is credited with a significant impact on our lives. Mental problems and sleep disorders are associated with this, as well as the influence of the moon phases on the treatment of warts, the planting of vegetables or giving birth to the child. There are only a few areas of life for which guides do not recommend observing the lunar phase. Researchers at the University Hospital Jena have now provided more clarity in one of these areas. According to the results of her study, the moon does not affect the pain after surgery.

No influence on postoperative pain
The researchers analyzed data from 12,224 patients from ten hospitals in nine European countries, according to the journal „British Journal of Pain“ („“) write. Data were compared with each other from the four moon phases full moon, waning moon, new moon and increasing moon. „The result is clear“, Dr.-Ing. Marcus Komann, IT Coordinator of the Jena Pain Register Project, with. „Postoperative pain is unaffected by the moon phase. Planned operations can therefore be placed on any day without concern.“

No connection between moon phases and mental problems
The results are interesting „byproduct“ The PAIN OUT initiative, which includes the world's most comprehensive data collection on acute pain therapy. Earlier studies have already dealt with the possible influence of the moon phases on humans. For example, a few years ago, Canadian scientists working with Geneviève Belleville of the School of Psychology at Laval University in Quebec had published a study examining the implications of this „Lunar cycles on anxiety, mood disorders, panic and suicidal thoughts in patients“ have and came to the conclusion that it „no connection between the different phases of the moon and the appearance of mental problems“ give. (Ad)

Picture: Uwe Wagschal