Is there the disease sex addiction?

Is there the disease sex addiction? / Health News

About one percent of Germans suffers from hypersexuality (sex addiction). The dark figure is probably much higher.

Again and again, especially in the boulevard press of "sex addiction" celebrity actors and athletes read. So you could as an inclined reader u.a. read about the alleged sex addiction of US professional golf player Tiger Woods. This had publicly expressed to suffer from a sex addiction, which he can now treat therapeutically. Critics suggest Woods would base his infidelity on the argument of sex-addiction as an advertising partner. Wood's public reputation suffered significantly due to his mutual affairs. The subject of sex addiction is received enthusiastically in the media because it promises appropriate quotas. But is there actually a sex addiction? And how is a sex addiction treated??

In fact, there is the so-called "sex addiction". However, since 1964, WHO has stopped talking about addictions, as this is a very inflationary term. Psychologists and therapists therefore speak of "hypersexuality" in this context. Those affected organize their daily routine specifically to successfully pursue the addiction to sex and satisfaction. Sexual desire becomes the main focus in life and displaces other life issues. Basically, sexologists go from a morbid "sex addiction", if sufferers feel restricted themselves and the everyday life through addiction to the burden. Prof. Dr. Christian Schulte-Cloos of the FH Freiburg delimits features of a sex addiction in great detail: "Only a runaway behavior that goes along with the classic signs of addiction - obsession, powerlessness and the use of sex as a painkiller - indicate sexual addiction. "

The consequences of sex addiction can be fatal. Partnerships and marriage are breaking up and patients are heavily in debt because they are spending more and more money on their addictions and ultimately living beyond their means. According to Michael Berner, the Department of Dermatology at Freiburg University Hospital, around one percent of the population is suffering from increased sexual desire. However, Bernese assumes a high number of unreported cases, since many people are probably unaware of their hypersexuality or are afraid of a therapy.

But how is it that people become addicted to sex? Basically, sex addiction is similar to other addictions. "The person concerned needs an ever higher dose in order to be able to maintain the satisfying effect," says Berner to the Rheinische Post. In the course of the disease, the patient is no longer able to control his actions. Background of the disease is often a manifested depression. Those affected try to compensate for their depression with the kick of sexual satisfaction. But other mental illnesses can also play a role.

Specialist clinics specializing in the treatment of hypersexuality already exist in the United States. As far as known, there are no therapy programs for so-called sex addicts in Germany. However, there are some self-help groups that can be used as the first port of call for those affected. The "Anonymous Sex Awlers" and "Anonymous Sex and Love Addicts" can be considered as the most relevant support groups. Approved therapists should also be an adequate contact point. It is important to address any underlying mental illnesses such as depression in order to counter the addiction to sex. At the beginning of therapy, medications may be considered first to increase the serotonin level in the brain. The serotonin level in the brain is u.a. jointly responsible for the emotional mood of the person. For depression, it is believed that u.a. a serotonin deficiency of the patient is present. (Sb, 11.04.2010)

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