Is there a healthy tan and what are the first signs of skin cancer?

Is there a healthy tan and what are the first signs of skin cancer? / Health News
Experts warn: There is no healthy tan
Sunshine, beach and sea: These three things are simply a perfect holiday for many people. Often it is "sizzling" in the heat until it comes to unpleasant skin reactions such as sunburn, allergies or even skin cancer. The sun can cause various diseases, so proper protection is essential. In an interview with the news agency "dpa" experts clarify the dangers and give tips on which warning signs should pay attention.

The skin accumulates damage over years
Many people underestimate the dangers of the sun. Fair-skinned people usually get a quick sunburn and therefore have a particularly high risk of skin cancer. What many do not know: The skin "remembers" the damage that develops over the years. "If enough damage is available, the repair of the cells no longer works effectively - then it comes to cancer growth," explains the Medical Coordinator of the Skin Cancer Center Mannheim, Jochen Sven Utikal. Above all, sunburns from childhood and visits to the solarium are considered as risk factors. "Being tanned is still a beauty ideal - but the healthy tan does not exist," emphasizes senior physician Jessica Hassel from the National Center for Tumor Diseases in Heidelberg. Because the skin shows tan, this is already a sign of damage, the expert continues. This is an important indication that more protection should be given next time.

Sunburned skin is no triviality. Because every single sunburn is stored on our skin account. (Image: llhedgehogll /

Black skin cancer can occur all over the body
If a black skin cancer has developed, sufferers usually have little discomfort at the beginning. "You just see a birthmark that has changed," explains Utikal. In a white skin cancer it would lead to small growths on the skin such. a nodule on the face. In both cases, the skin lesions could bleed and itch according to the experts. The form, also known as "bright skin cancer", develops mainly in the body regions, which often get sun. The particularly aggressive, malignant black skin cancer ("malignant melanoma"), however, can occur anywhere on the body - even in places where the sun hardly comes, such as. on the scalp or under foot and fingernails. Breast and back are particularly common in men and the lower leg in women affected.

Increase in cancer cases in young women
Compared to white skin cancer, malignant melanoma is rare. "In cases of black skin cancer, we expect 22 new cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year," says specialist Uwe Reinhold from the Dermatological Center Bonn Friedensplatz. People between 18 and 30 years of age and those in their mid 50s are particularly likely to be affected, and there has been an increase in the number of young women in recent years. In the bright version, the expert assumes up to 400 new cases per year per 100,000 inhabitants. These develop more frequently in men who have a higher risk due to hair loss or an occupation in the open air, Reinhold told the "dpa".

More than half of those affected can not be helped in the long term
The black skin cancer is particularly nasty, since he already spread millimeter tumor thickness according to Utikal and thereby Lymph nodes, lungs and brain can invade. Here he continues to grow and attack vital structures. At a very advanced stage, the disease is therefore very difficult to treat, explains Jessica Hassel. "It also takes a dose of luck to be among those who pack the long term," said the head physician. According to the expert, scattered black skin cancer today can be controlled in the long term due to medical developments in about 35 percent of patients. At the same time, however, this means that more than 50 percent of patients can not be helped in the long term. "At most we can achieve a life extension," Hassel continues. As a result, many sufferers die, with malignant melanoma being the second most frequent cause of death in the 18 to 30-year-olds, adds Reinhold.

For skin cancer, early detection is especially important. (Image: fovito /

Functional limitations due to white skin cancer
The light skin cancer, however, scatters in an intact immune system only very rarely and therefore does not have to be fatal if detected early. But also this form should not be underestimated, because usually many operations are necessary, whereby the quality of life of the patients is massively limited. "Most are the sun-exposed areas such as nose or ears and this can be associated with functional limitations," continues Reinhold. Disfigurements are also possible if multiple tumors require more frequent surgery.

If the white skin cancer is discovered very early, therefore, a drug-based tumor therapy in the form of a cream is possible. "In addition, there is the photodynamic therapy in which one is treated with cream and light. In a more advanced tumor surgery is the treatment of choice, "informs Uwe Reinhold. Anyone who suffers from a black skin cancer, according to the experts come in the early stages not around an operation. If it is too late, because the tumor has already spread, new immunotherapies can be used. "So you can try that the patient lives well as long as possible," explains Utikal from Mannheim.

Early detection is particularly important
The chances of a cure depend on how early the disease is discovered and treated. Patients with white skin cancer would have the experts a very good chance, after an operation, these would be for the individual tumor almost 100 percent. According to Reinhold, in the early stages of black skin cancer there is a 93% chance of recovery, but waiting too long would reduce it to below 50%. But even advanced disease can be treated much better nowadays thanks to novel therapies.

Sun allergy: itchy skin changes due to unfamiliar radiation exposure
If you like to spend hours on the beach, you can quickly develop a so-called "sun allergy". Because this in the medicine as "polymorphic Lichtdermatose" designated skin reaction arises, if humans are exposed with sensitive skin of an unusually high UV-A and / or UV-B-radiation. As a result, there are changes in the skin, especially in those areas that are particularly exposed to the sun, such as Neck and décolleté, arms, legs and face. However, it usually takes a few hours or even days after sunbathing until itching, reddish wheals or stings, skin burning or even pain at the affected area of ​​the skin occur.

In order to effectively treat the polymorphic photodermatosis, UV radiation should be avoided or care should always be taken to ensure adequate protection. Here, a sunscreen with a very high SPF (at least 50) is recommended, and those affected should protect themselves with a hat and covering clothing. In an acute reaction, a cream with so-called "corticosteroids" (e.g., hydrocortisone) may help, while antihistamines are often used to combat itching.

A sun allergy occurs quickly with unfamiliar radiation exposure. Instead of the desired tan it shows a strong itchy rash. (Image: Astrid Gast /

Mallorca acne sprouts unsightly pimples
A special form of Lichtdermatose is the so-called "Mallorca Acne" (Acne aestivalis), which is a very unpleasant burden for many tourists. It arises in persons with appropriate predisposition due to the combination of UV radiation, endogenous tallow fats and certain ingredients from cosmetics or sunscreens. The interaction of these factors causes an inflammation on the hair follicles, which leads to small pimples and pustules - similar to an acne. The skin changes usually persist for several weeks, with a rash on the face is rather rare. More often, the Mallorca Acne occurs instead on the skin at the shoulders, upper back or cleavage. Unlike the "real" acne, however, do not purulent inflammation - but sufferers suffer from the extremely itchy rash.

The only remedy here is the rigorous avoidance of sun and the adequate protection of the affected body parts, so that the skin can recover. Non-prescription cortisone gel or antihistamines can relieve the itching, they also act against the inflammatory response and can thus be used to help against the unpleasant pustules. Under no circumstances should sufferers around the pimples or scratch around, because this aggravates the symptoms only. (No)