Weight reduction Much protein brings a lot

Weight reduction Much protein brings a lot / Health News
Protein is very important in losing weight
Who wants to lose weight, tried many diet options. Some deliberately abstain from cabbage, others avoid fat. The protein-focused diet has proven to be effective. Experts therefore recommend high-protein diet in combination with sports. This can reduce excess pounds.

Traditional diets often without benefit
Only a few years ago, most people agreed that you should avoid fat if you want to reduce your weight. Meanwhile, many are unsure whether it is better to eat less fat or less carbohydrates to lose weight. Some experts say anyway, common diets bring almost nothing, because after the weight loss quickly sets up a so-called yo-yo effect and land the lost pounds quickly back on the hips. Certain foods are very helpful in long-term weight loss.

A protein-rich diet usually helps you lose weight fast. (Image: Syda Productions / fotolia.com)

High-protein diet helps with weight loss
Since diets often cause obesity to increase rapidly after starvation, experts repeatedly warn against losing weight. In order to lose weight without having a yo-yo effect, the diet must be systematically changed over the long term.

Some foods play a special role here: According to experts, a protein-rich diet can help you lose weight.

Because the proteins are used more slowly by the body and the stomach emits a faster feeling of satiety. In addition, protein-rich foods can reduce food cravings and boost fat metabolism.

They also last longer full. Some proteins contain amino acids (tryptophan and tyrosine), which are involved in sending saturating messengers to the brain.

Daily protein intake
But how much protein should one eat? The German Society for Nutrition (DGE) recommends for adults men and women the daily intake of 0.8 grams per one kilo of body weight.

Fitness experts usually advise a higher protein intake. Strength athletes are often recommended to use 1.3 to 1.8 grams per kilogram of body weight. In individual cases, however, the quantities could be higher.

The handle to protein bars and shakes is usually not necessary. In most cases, a natural protein supply is sufficient.

Vegetable protein is healthier
While most people think fast about foods such as eggs or steaks when it comes to protein-rich foods, there are also many vegetable protein sources such as legumes (soy, lupins, chickpeas, lentils, beans)..

According to scientific studies, these are also considerably healthier than animal protein. A study published in the journal "JAMA Internal Medicine" even came to the conclusion that you can live longer with vegetable proteins.

Anyone who covers his protein needs above all through meat endangers his health. Because a meat-rich diet leads among other things to the increased formation of uric acid in the body, which can lead in the long term in some people to kidney stones or gout.

In addition, studies have shown that over-consumption of red meat increases the risk of colon cancer or heart attack. (Ad)